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Item O ensino em transição: uma análise das vivências docentes na passagem do 5º para o 6º ano do ensino fundamental na disciplina de Matemática(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-22) Cruz, Ana Carolina Almeida da; Simões, Ceane Andrade Simões; Rodrigues, Jorge de Menezes; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Peixoto, Leonardo FerreiraThis research was developed from reports of teaching practices regarding the teaching of Mathematics in a transition period, specifically, with regard to the transition from the 5th to the 6th year of elementary school, which took place during the current pandemic period. The investigation adopted a qualitative approach, characterizing the profile of the participating teachers through reports of their experiences, which was aimed at the initial understanding of the epistemological difficulties of teaching and learning Mathematics, using the strategy of interpretive research, within the possible conditions for monitoring the teacher. Due to the pandemic period, the adoption of social isolation was necessary, and schools in the city of Manaus worked largely in a remote system and are now working in hybrid and remote teaching, in this way, it was necessary to adapt the instruments of possible data collection in this investigation, bringing then only technological resources, such as a questionnaire and interviews through googleforms. Keywords: Mathematics. Teaching in Transition. Experience ReportsItem Ian #conectados(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-10-16) Ferreira, Ana Ester Souza; Souza, Ana Patricia Machado de; Aires, Arlene Xavier; Ferreira, Beatriz; Azevedo, Carla Valéria; Printes, Cilmara Batista; Napolis, Francinayra Araujo de; Allefy, Gilson; Assis, Hugo Alexandre Paiva de; Costa, Karla Bianca Lima da; Gama, Maria de Lourdes Gomes; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Vargas, Priscila; Rodrigo, Roldiner; Souza, Rosilane Araújo de; Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de Araújo; Maria Astrid Rocha Liberato; Silvia Cássia Brandão JustinianoThis article, the result of undergraduate work in pedagogy at the university of the state of amazonas, aims to fill a gap in the approach of the theme Health in the classroom and in parallel, auxiliary pedagogical practice. The work discusses, in an interdisciplinary way, Health and its victorious implications in daily life. Possibility of integrating knowledge and enhancing the sabers acquired at school for a healthy life.Item Ian e os peixes da Amazônia(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2015-10-15) Vieira, Alex Paulo Santos; Oliveira, Carla Vitória Maquiné; Pereira, Elizama de Oliveira; Carvalho, Francinete Bandeira; Torres, Giorgio Monteiro; Abreu, Israel Marinho de; Silva Neto, José Moreira da; Magalhães, Luana Silva; Martins, Máyra do Socorro Alves; Silva, Megara Barbosa da; Sousa, Micael da Silva; Santos, Michelly Bentes dos; Barbosa, Naftali Chagas; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Braga, Rodrigo Corrêa; Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de Araújo; Marcos Roberto dos SantosThis comic deals with the theme of regional fish consumed by the Amazonian community, in the line of health promotion, as the objective of reaching deaf students and listeners of Elementary School II, for this the Brazilian Sign Language-LIBRAS, the language of the community was introduced. Brazil, officially recognized since 2002 through Law 10.436 as a linguistic system of visual-spatial modality.Item Ian em Parintins: A Terra da Magia - V. 8(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-12-31) Araújo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de; Silva, Megara Barbosa da; Santos, Marcos Roberto dos; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Sousa, Sabrina Sinara Portela de; Beltrão, Isabel do Socorro Lobato; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Albuquerque Jr. ,Erivelton Santiago de; Carvalho, Francinete Bandeira; Aquino, Emilly de Sousa; Miranda, Vitoria Oliveira; Almeida, Mathias Bernard Lira de; Cantuário, Pedro Henrique de Oliveira; Cordeiro, Yasmin RibeiroThis proposal is committed to the Popularization of Science and Scientific Dissemination, it is adapted to an accessible language consistent with the proposed textual genre, the comic book. It includes other types of language that complement each other in a multimodal way to form meanings, such as verbal text, images, colors and technological languages such as QR-Codes that direct the reader to extra materials that enable new perspectives of social, scientific, technological and linguistic insertion.Item Ian en Parintins: El país de la magia - V. 8(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-12-31) Araujo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de; Silva, Megara Barbosa da; Santos, Marcos Roberto dos; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Sousa, Sabrina Sinara Portela de; Beltrão, Isabel do Socorro Lobato; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Albuquerque Jr., Erivelton Santiago de; Carvalho, Francinete Bandeira; Aquino, Emilly de Sousa; Miranda, Vitoria Oliveira; Almeida, Mathias Bernard Lira de; Cantuário, Pedro Henrique de Oliveira; Cordeiro, Yasmin RibeiroEsta proposta está comprometida com a popularização da Ciência e a Divulgação Científica, ela está adaptada a uma linguagem acessível condizente com o gênero textual proposto, a HQ. Conta com a inclusão de outros tipos de linguagem que se complementam, de forma multimodal, para formar sentidos, como o texto verbal, as imagens, as cores e linguagens tecnológicas como QR-Codes que direcionam o leitor a materiais extras que possibilitam novas perspectivas de inserção social, científica, tecnológicas e linguísticas.Item Ian in: Parintins, the magic land - V. 8(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-12-31) Araújo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de; Silva, Megara Barbosa da; Santos, Marcos Roberto dos; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Sousa, Sabrina Sinara Portela de; Beltrão, Isabel do Socorro Lobato; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Albuquerque Jr., Erivelton Santiago de; Carvalho, Francinete Bandeira; Aquino, Emilly de Sousa; Miranda, Vitoria Oliveira; Almeida, Mathias Bernard Lira de; Cantuário, Pedro Henrique de Oliveira; Cordeiro, Yasmin RibeiroEsta proposta está comprometida com a popularização da Ciência e a Divulgação Científica, ela está adaptada a uma linguagem acessível condizente com o gênero textual proposto, a HQ. Conta com a inclusão de outros tipos de linguagem que se complementam, de forma multimodal, para formar sentidos, como o texto verbal, as imagens, as cores e linguagens tecnológicas como QR-Codes que direcionam o leitor a materiais extras que possibilitam novas perspectivas de inserção social, científica, tecnológicas e linguísticas.Item Ianzinho em banho de gato(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-10-16) Ferreira Bruna, Ana Ester Souza; Macedo, Anne; Rodrigues, Antônia; Araújo, Correa; Pinto, Claudio Ribeiro; Aragão, Cliges Ramos; Magalhães, Danilson Rodrigues; Almeida, Elder Tanio Gomes de; Oliveira, Emanuela; Carvalho, Fábio; Lopes, Fabiano Andrade; Carvalho, Francinete Bandeira; Assis, Hugo Alexandre; Câmara, Iêda Maria de Araújo; Carmo, Johara Fernanda Borges do; Lopes Filho, Joilson Gomes; Negreiros, Joziana Vieira; Reis, Karla; Rodrigues, Liliane; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Ramos Junior, Roosevelt; Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de Araújo; Maria Astrid Rocha Liberato; Silvia Cássia Brandão JustinianoThis article, the result of undergraduate work in pedagogy at the university of the state of amazonas, aims to fill a gap in the approach to health in the classroom and, in parallel, in the auxiliary pedagogical practice. An interdisciplinary work discusses health and its various implications in daily life. Possibility of integrating knowledge and enhancing the sabers acquired at school for a healthy visa.Item Ianzinho em uma questão de peso(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-10-16) Ferreira, Ana Cristina Vasconcelos; Ferreira, Ana Ester Souza; Souza, Alessandra Maia; Assis, Hugo Alexandre Paiva de; Silva, Lara Naína Ajuricaba da; Fonseca, Leilane Santos da; Ribeiro, Maria Franciná Lira; Ribeiro, Marinalda Pereira; Silva, Mayaha Pereira da; Silva, Mey Ling Oliveira da; Soares, Mírtila Corrêa; Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Reis, Renata Oliveira Braga; Pantoja, Ruth Nery dos Santos; Reis, Sara Leita; Rolim, Vânia Araújo; Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de Araújo; Maria Astrid Rocha Liberato; Silvia Cássia Brandão JustinianoThis comic, the result of the work of undergraduate students from the University of Amazonas, aims to fill a gap in the approach to health within the classroom and, in parallel, assist in the pedagogical practice. The work discusses, in an interdisciplinary way, health and its various implications in daily life. It allows integrating knowledge and enhancing the knowledge acquired in school for a healthy life.Item Um olhar habermasiano acerca do ensino de ciências no 5º ano do ensino fundamental(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-16) Costa, Nayara Ferreira; Costa, Mauro Gomes da; Costa, Mauro Gomes da; Aguiar, José Vicente de Souza; Brito, César LobatoThe studyaimstounderstandthedidacticsof Science Teaching from the thought of Habermas in a class of 5th grade elementaryschoolofthestatepublicnetwork in Manaus. Dividedintothreechapters, thisresearch shows in its first part the theoreticalrelationbetweenHabermasianconceptsandtheteachingofSciencesfrom a democratic perspective. For that, the concepts of emancipation, argumentation, interaction, dialogue and consensus and their interfaces withscienceteachingwerestudied;thischapteralsoanalyzesthe legal andthe curricular basesthatguidetheteachingofSciences. The second stage, presented in chapter two, brings the observation of Science classes and the documentary, epistemological and didactic aspects. However, it wasnoticedthatthe discipline in questionwasmarginalizedsothatthestudentscouldcarry out a training in thesubjectsofPortugueseandMathematicswith a view totheimprovementofindices in a testcalled “ProvaBrasil”. It can be affirmed that the strategic and instrumental interests of the State, materialized in seeking improvement of indexes, overlapped with the right of the student tohave access to a qualityeducation. Thus, Science Teaching in the school reality in question does not allow the student to the construction of an emancipated formation, since the exclusion of this curricular component was carried out in the margins of a public debate, which demonstrates the antidemocratic character with which the school is used. The last chapter refers to the potentialsoftheHabermasianwork for Science Teaching from a didactic sequence carried out in the group whose research was implemented. The analysis of science education through intersubjectively shared interaction and communication has demonstrated the potential of promoting access to culturally socialized scientific knowledge, by enabling the teacher to make corrections and deepen the contents worked during the debates proposed during the classes. Key-words: Didatics; Science Teaching;Epistemology; Habermas.