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Item A comunicação empresarial como ferramenta estratégica para a prospecção e fidelização de clientes, com o estudo de caso da Bemol(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-12-02) França, Daniel Rodrigues de; Marques, Dorli João Carlos; Gomes, Ana Maria Ferreira; Reis, Gilmara Cruz dosBusiness communication is an important strategic tool because it has the function of improving communication processes within the company, as well as its image to the public, increasing its credibility in the market and growth in profits. In this sense, the present research addresses the use of this tool within the units of the family-owned company Benchimol Irmão & Cia Ltda. Why investing in communication, how important it is, its advantages and challenges, the technological transformations and how these resources influence the company's results. The methodology used is based on a case study at the organizational level, and a bibliographic research, elaboration and application of a questionnaire sent to the company were performed. It was verified the use of mechanisms developed and implemented by Bemol group that aim to engage and motivate its employees, through training and recognition, thus offering a quality service and service to customers.Item A Contabildade Ambiental como ferramenta eficaz à Sustentabilidade(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-12-02) Carvalho, Victor Matheus Silva; Marques, Dorli João Carlos; Gomes, Ana Maria Ferreira; Reis, Gilmara Cruz dosThe objective of this research was to analyze how the Accounting Sciences can contribute to minimize the contemporary environmental problems. The methodology used in this research was that of the deductive method; As for the means, the research was the bibliographical one and, how much to the ends, qualitative. The conclusion reached was that Accounting has efficient mechanisms - such as the Environmental Management System and the use of ISOs 9.000 and 14.001 - that bring a new methodology and form of profit making, making feasible the continuity of the company and conservation of natural resources.Item Estupro de crianças e adolescentes na cidade de Manaus, 2011-2014(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2015-11-21) Gomes, Helena Maria Da Costa; Marques, Dorli João CarlosEl Ministerio de Salud (Brasil, 2002a, 2002b), señala que entre las víctimas de la violencia, uno de los grupos que tiene más vulnerables son los niños y adolescentes, debido a la dependencia de las circunstancias, la tutela, la inmadurez, lo que resulta en efectos los impactos de la violencia en la vida de este grupo de población. Incluso con un arsenal de disposiciones legales para proteger a los niños y adolescentes, tales como la Declaración Universal de los Derechos del Niño (1959), la Constitución (1988), Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos del Niño de las Naciones Unidas (1989) y el Estatuto de Niños y Adolescentes (1990); estos no son capaces de cumplir con su papel en la que se refieren a los delitos contra los niños, niñas y adolescentes, la OMS (2006) estima que en 2002 unos 150 millones de niñas y 73 millones de niños han sido víctimas de violencia sexual mundo. Según Sanderson (2005), la violación se clasifica como la violencia sexual y cabe en sub-clasificación de abuso sexual con contacto físico. En cuanto a la conducta con el contacto, estas acciones incluyen la formación de cuellos de los genitales, los intentos de coito, masturbación, penetración oral, vaginal y anal. No hay duda de las consecuencias devastadoras causadas a los niños y adolescentes que son víctimas de violación, daños a la salud son profundas, como para causar tomará de la víctima su vida; por no hablar de los daños físicos tales como moretones, las enfermedades de transmisión sexual, embarazos no deseados e incluso riesgo. El objetivo más amplio de la investigación es realizar un análisis descriptivo de los índices de criminalidad violación contra niños y adolescentes en las áreas administrativas de la ciudad de Manaus, en el período 2011-2014, el estudio es descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo de los delitos de violación cometidos contra niños y adolescentes.Item A formação continuada integrada das polícias estaduais no Amazonas: análise, reflexões e resultados(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2016-09-30) Vale, Elizabeth Cristina Brito; Marques, Dorli João CarlosExperience in the process of integration of Police Forces in Amazonas State seeks to enforce the principles of preventive policing, qualified repression of violence and the combination of efficiency with human rights and citizenship. The objective of the study is to describe and discuss the results achieved through this integration, based on the following aspects: 1) the development and use of performance indicators; 2) preparation and carrying out of integrated standard operating procedures; and 3) integrated, common continuing education to the state police forces. The approach is deductive and the procedure used method was the case study. The data were collected by the statistical sector of the Ministry of Public Security in Amazon and timely analysis of them, aimed at assessing the extent to which the above aspects have enabled the realization of those principles. The used literature sources discuss the issues concerning public security, urban violence, citizenship and human rights. The results raised to the conclusion that, as a result of this integration, the establishment of crime indicators, productivity and detailed operating costs, coupled with continued training practices of public, has been possible to improve the security services provided to the community, make the processes of more efficient management, better qualify the subjects in facing daily professional adversity.Item Gestão dos Recursos Financeiros na Administração Pública Municipal: um estudo de caso em duas Prefeituras do interior do Estado do Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-12-03) Lima, André Ferreira; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe public administration is the body responsible for dealing with the prerogatives of the public interest. It is up to the administrators, democratically elected, to manage the financial resources and to account for the expenses and actions during their term of office, and there must be total transparency, which in most cases does not happen. The function of supervising the Executive's accounts is given to the Legislative branch with the support of the Audit Courts, with citizens being the most interested. Accountability is a constitutional duty of those who use, collect, store, manage or administer public money, assets and values. For good management, good budget planning is essential. This comes from three fundamental parts: PPA - Pluriannual Plan, LDO - Budget Guidelines Law and LOA - Annual Budget Law, regulated by laws, ordinances and resolutions. In addition to these budget laws, managers must comply with and comply with the limits established by the LRF - Law of Fiscal Responsibility, created with the aim of controlling expenses, respecting the collection capacity. Based on these theoretical and normative frameworks, a case study was carried out in two municipal prefectures in the State of Amazonas. The results indicated that in order to manage and assist in the control of public assets, public accounting is essential, with regard to the proper bookkeeping of revenues and expenses and the provision of information, as many managers have had difficulties in managing financial resources in a balanced way , failing to comply with the limits established by the superior legislation in force, having their accounts often disapproved, and even when there is approval there could be a better applicability of these resources.Item O homicídio qualificado pelo feminicídio: estudos de casos na cidade Manaus(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-12-02) Rubim, Goreth Campos; Marques, Dorli João CarlosFemicide is a new type of qualified homicide, provided by Law 13.104 of March 9, 2015. Its incorporation in art. 211, §2, of the Brazilian Penal Code occurred due to Brazil occupying the 5th position as one of the Countries with the highest rate of death of women as a result of domestic violence, according to the Map of Violence: Women's Homicide 2015, prepared by sociologist and researcher Júlio Jacobo Waiselfisz. The city of Manaus currently occupies the 16th position among the capitals where there are more deaths of women related to domestic and family violence, for this reason it was decided in this research to carry out a case study in nine cases criminal cases of homicides qualified by feminicide in Capital of Amazonas that process in the three stick of the Court of the Popular Jury of this city. The objective of this qualitative research is to understand about this new qualifier, and to identify the profile of the victims and accused, motivations and means of executions of this type of crime in the city of Manaus. That is why bibliographic and analytical research was used to know the history and motivation of the practice of this crime, and especially what are the means to confront this criminal practice. As for the results, it was verified that the homicides qualified by feminicide in the capital of Amazonas are still motivated by exacerbated jealousy and nonconformity after the end of the relationship, possessing a passionate character. In addition the victims studied already had a history of aggressions on the part of its companions, and these besides violent, were users of drugs and alcohol within the family.Item A importância do programa formando cidadão para a redução dos atos infracionais e para o fortalecimento da cultura da não violência(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-30) Chagas, Suzy Dayana Pereira; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThis research proposes as a theme of study "The importance of social programs for the reduction of infractions". Thus, the general objective of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Forming Citizen Program, bases located in the city of Manaus, regarding the decrease in the commission of infractions, as well as massification of the culture of nonviolence. Among the specific objectives are: to raise the evasion rates of the Forming Citizen Program participants, to describe the perception of the members of the Forming Citizen Program, to discuss if the actions developed in the Forming Citizen Program have led participating adolescents to critically reflect the consequences of violence committed and suffered, and finally, propose a model of evaluation to measure the results achieved by the Program Training Citizens with respect to prevention and strengthening of the culture of nonviolence. The method used to develop the research was the bibliographical survey, the field research and the documentary research, having as subjects of the field research, program managers and the minor participants of the Forming Citizen Program. The results pointed to the achievement of the desired effectiveness with the implementation of the program, specifically with regard to the prevention and strengthening of a culture of peace (culture of non-violence).Item A influência da violência doméstica para o cometimento do crime de homicídio pela mulher vítima: um estudo de caso na cidade de Manaus(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-04) Macedo, Arthur Sant’anna Ferreira; Marques, Dorli João CarlosIntroduction/Importance: Domestic violence affects thousands of women throughout their lives. It is common to observe, through the various forms of news, that women are assaulted, mistreated, abused and killed every day by people in their family life. Some women manage to get rid of the torment of violence through the means made available for their protection, while others make decisions in conflict with the criminal law, but which they understand as effective in getting rid of the context of domestic violence. In this sense, the present research represents a way to understand how the domestic violence suffered transforms a woman victim into the author of the crime of homicide, attempted or consummated. Information and life stories of women perpetrators of the crime of homicide are brought to light to show readers social problems that need to be debated in order to improve the protection of women. Objective: to investigate the influence of domestic violence suffered by women for the commission of the crime of homicide, in the attempted or consummated form, capitulated in article 121 of the Penal Code, but without being under the cloak of any of the exclusions of unlawfulness, such as the self-defense provided for in article 25, caput, of the Penal Code. The study also sought to understand the context and moment of the woman's decision to commit the crime of homicide. Locus: the empirical data were collected at the Manaus Women's Detention Center, where there are women incarcerated and each one with their own particular life story. Methodology: it was used as a case study, of a qualitative nature. The data collection procedures involved secondary sources - bibliographic review, analysis of law and jurisprudence, as well as primary sources - in-depth interviews with these women, in which we sought to verify whether, among the perpetrators of homicide crimes, any committed the crime influenced by domestic violence he was suffering. Results: the data indicated a conflicting reality for these women in aspects of emotional experience, life perspectives, intra-family relationships, in which these women's feelings of anger, fear and guilt stood out. 4 (four) women were heard, all self-declared brown, school life varying between high school and higher education and with family income below 3 minimum wages, who brought their reality to the study and half of the research participants were clear in say that they only committed the crime of homicide to get rid of the domestic violence they had been suffering. Aspects of patriarchy were observed in the participants' speeches, which demonstrates the importance of studying and publicizing the theme to understand the world of female criminality. Conclusion: it was concluded, through the data obtained, that domestic violence is a factor that influences the woman victim to commit the crime of homicide. In view of this, it remains evident to study female criminality from the perspective and reality of women so that effective measures are developed to contain the advance of female criminality and incarceration.Item Linchamentos e a sede de justiça popular: análise dos casos ocorridos entre 2014 a 2017 no estado do Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-12-15) Lima, Suzane Oliveira Da Cunha; Marques, Dorli João CarlosIn current days, we are hit with news of common lynchings across the country. A group of people who legitimize their conception of justice in an individual, who does not know whether or not he has committed a crime, but in truth, for lynchers no matter the guilt, the important thing is to quench the if you do "justice" on time, at any cost. Thus one realizes that man can be as primitive as one day history tells us, returning to medieval times in a matter of seconds, evidencing the conflicts of modern man. The research aimed to demonstrate how close we are to medieval barbarism that we believe we have overcome. 153 cases of lynching were mapped in Amazonas, and it was observed that in all cases the ideal victim profile is the man under 30 years of age and who has committed crimes against the patrimony and sexual violence. Through the survey of the occurrences of lynchings occurring in the Capital and in the interior, it is clear that this is a frequent practice, showing some acceptance before the population, which appears to be part of a social group that does not share the same values of state justice, opting for to perform rituals that satisfy the immediate need to perform a kind of social hygiene, and consequently to stop the escalation of violence. On the other hand, it also demonstrates the legitimacy crisis of state-administered justice, whose values differ from those who practice lynching, also showing a certain negligence in ascertaining these cases.Item Mortalidade por homicídios dolosos na zona urbana de Manaus: um estudo descritivo no triênio 2012 a 2014(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2015-11-19) Almeida, Arlindo Corrêa De; Marques, Dorli João CarlosViolence and crime are increasingly being discussed, both at a regional and national level. national, just as with the same precision as companies developing, violence and light crime, reaching the different segments of the population. Objectives: In this context, the present study aims to carry out a descriptive analysis of the facts of violence that led to murders in the area of Manaus Urban Municipality occurred in three years 2012-2014 with the aim of identifying which are the main areas of concentration of crimes of murder in Manaus, during this period (night, day, weekend) of the murders occurred in Manaus / AM and the profile of murder victims in the urban area of Manaus. Methods: Descriptive study with a qualitative and quantitative approach to the victims of Murders occurred in Manaus City urban area in the years 2012 to 2014. Official sources offers limitations to the elaboration of a more detailed analysis, although it is difficult to achieve good qualification in the inclusion of criminal data in the SSP system, where you can presenting incomplete or inconsistency information, sometimes an erroneous registration occurs in your criminal classification. Result: The majority of victims are men and most of them are young people. The most affected age group was the 18-24 age group. As for the underlying causes of her death, the firearm was the most used to commit crimes. It was possible identify the areas and neighborhoods most susceptible to the event. Considerations: It is recommended that The results obtained in this study are used as support for the dialogue between them diverse sectors of both public security and health and others and the application of strategies efficiencies for the prevention and control of violence due to murder..Item O percurso da punição e o desafio ressocializador: o projeto reeducar(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-08-13) Hoaegen, Nina Cruz Antony; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe crisis installed in the prison system reflects the institutional tension prevailing in the country, especially in the field of public security. In a scenario in which the increasing increase in incarceration rates is not able to contain urban violence, the search for an exit corresponds to all instances of public power acting in the path of socialization and prevention, increasing the responsibility of the Power Judiciary to offer inclusion mechanisms, several of orthodox models that interpret prevention as a mere purpose of the penalty, in a dissuasive. Materials and methods: In order to achieve this work, we used the deductive method in the historical and descriptive section and inductive method for the data collection of the REEDUCAR Project, with bibliographic, documentary and quantitative research. The REEDUCAR data were extracted from several spreadsheets directly provided by the Project team, using the tool of the Court of Justice of the Amazon, Justice Automation System (e-SaJ) for a nominal search for the reiterators. Objectives: In this context it is discussed whether the Reeducar project, an initiative of the Amazonas Court of Justice, is capable of fulfilling this socializing purpose, being instrumented from mechanisms that guarantee the reach of the citizenship to the provisional prisoners and the access to means that make possible their social inclusion, preventing a repetition of crime. Results: As for the historical part, there was an evolutionary nonlinearity in the context of humanization of sentences. With regard to the research about the criminal repetition of the people served by the project, in a universe of 237 individuals, only 37 people returned to commit crime (15.6% of the total). Conclusions: There are difficulties that are found both in the context of investments in the creation of public policies involving supposed delinquents, and in the risks of authoritarianism in social control by the State when involving Ressocialização. However, the Reeducar Project representing an unprecedented initiative as a court effort brings good indications in combating the dehumanization of individuals considered marginalized.Item O preconceito como fator de violência: um estudo de caso dos paraenses em Manaus(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2016-10-15) Tamer, Alexandre dos Santos; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe current study analyzed the relationship between the criminal indicators of the city of Manaus, specifically robbery, theft, homicide and murder after robbery, from March / 2012 to July / 2016, with the number of Paraenses responsible for these indices, thus deconstructing regional prejudice against the Paraense migrants, since it was found that the perpetrators of these crimes were, for the most part, Amazons. The inductive method was used, and interviews, bibliographical and field research were done, enabling a consistent analysis of the data surveyed. Regarding the purposes the research was characterized as qualitative-quantitativeItem Prevenção do uso de drogas e violência na escola: uma análise do projeto caravana da cidadania da secretaria de estado de segurança pública do estado do amazonas – SSP/AM em escolas públicas da zona sul da cidade de Manaus(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2015-11-23) Batista, Henrique Brasil Couto; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe general objective of this thesis was to evaluate the extent to which performance of the SSP-AM through the "Citizenship Caravan Project in Schools and Communities - CEC" in the schools has contributed to decrease the trafficking and consumption of drugs as well as cases of violence in school communities serviced units. To this end, the following specific objectives were traced: the present state of the drug problem coping programs and school violence of the State Secretariat of Public Security, in particular Citizenship Caravan Project in Schools and Communities - CEC; display the number of schools and students served by the Caravan of Citizenship in Schools and Communities Project - CEC in 2013 during the implementation of the first stage of the project carried out in the south of Manaus, compiled on Citizenship of the Caravan Project Report in Schools and Communities prepared by SSP/ AM; demonstrate the importance of state action to combat and prevent drug use and violence in schools and its effects on society, highlighting the effectiveness of social programs taken over by Citizenship Caravan Project and the arrests made, seized weapons, seized money as well as types and total drugs seized; and identify from a multidimensional view of the different perceptions of the actors: managers, students, parents and community representatives from schools that were favored by the "Citizenship Caravan Project", the project's importance in combating and preventing drug use and violence in schools. As for the methodology, the work is characterized as a documentary research field. The main document used was the Citizenship Caravan Project Report in Schools and Communities - CEC prepared by SSP/ AM in 2014 drawn from 35 security commissions data formed of the following members: students, parents, teachers and public school administrators state and city located in the southern city of Manaus and participating in the project. In the search field held attended 32 schools, representing 91.4% of the total universe, representing reliably the characteristics of the survey universe, approaching the most of the researched reality (100%), meeting the level requirements established trust, maximum allowable error and percentage with which the phenomenon occurs and is distributed as follows: 32 managers; 27 students; 31 parents and 32 community representatives. To complement the survey also was held an interview with the manager of Citizenship Caravan Project. In conclusion it can be noted that the performance of the SSP-AM through preventive project "Citizenship Caravan", helped reduce the incidence of trafficking and consumption of drugs and violence in serviceable school community (students, parents and the community) and also contributed to actions as carried out arrests, seized weapons, seized money and full of seized drugs.Item Retratos das Violências no Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-12-31) Oliveira, Criscyanne Andrade de; Marques, Dorli João Carlos; Silva, Ellen de Moraes; Aguiar Filho, Rouget Brito deThe series of studies that make up the book brings to light the evolution of data relating to the main indicators of violence in the state of Amazonas and the discussions arising from them, from the perspective of researchers from different areas of knowledge and professionals linked to various segments of public security, with the aim of contributing what is necessary to the debate on the subject.Item A tutela jurídica da informação ambiental sobre recursos hídricos no Amazonas: o aquífero Alter do Chão(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2016-02-23) Cabral, Bárbara Dias; Silva Filho, Erivaldo Cavalcanti e; Silva Filho, Erivaldo Cavalcanti e; Braga, Mauro Augusto Ponce de Leão; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe 21st century, known as the "Information Age", is marked by 4th Generation Rights, which include the right to information, as well as the right to democracy and pluralism. Founded in the Right to Information, the Law on Access to Information - LAI (Law 12,527 / 2011) was instituted in Brazil. One of the instruments created to make access to information available is the Electronic Information System for Citizen Information - e-SIC. Such a system is especially relevant when it comes to obtaining information about the environment, especially on water resources. Policy decisions on water can not be expected to be made after they become aware of it. This is because erroneous environmental deliberations can cause irreversible damage. Obtaining accurate and up-to-date information on Alter do Chão Aquifer is of particular importance. Because it falls under the category of groundwater, its real situation is even more difficult to be observed by its users. The main objective of the dissertation is to analyze the Amazonian legal protection of Environmental Information and its potential as an instrument to guarantee access to environmental information on water resources in the state of Amazonas. The work seeks to systematize relevant international documents, constitutional precepts and infraconstitutional legislation; To collect data from the federal e-SIC and e-SIC Amazonas referring to the Alter do Chão Aquifer; Analyze the ability of e-SICs to be an instrument of the Right of Access to Information. As for the objectives, the research is descriptive and explanatory. As for procedures, documentary and participant. The approach to the problem is qualitative. KEYWORDS: Legal protection; access to information; water resources; Aquifer of the Amazon; Aquifer Alter do Chão.Item Utopia e barbárie: um estudo histórico da política criminal do medo(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-01-22) Soares, Lúcia Dídia Lima; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThis study analyzes the criminal policy's concept, evolution and its relation with the humanist criminology. It seeks to understand the causes of an apparent rupture between the contemporary criminal policy and the enlightenment's principles which have guided modernity. In addition, it tries to reflect whether such a phenomenon is irreversible or whether there is room for a return of humanism. In order to do so, it addresses in the first chapter the concepts of criminal policy and humanism, and then begins to analyze the development of the main criminal policies adopted after the Social Welfare crisis in the 1970s to the present day. It should be noted that from the 1970s onwards, the gap between criminal policy and humanistic criminology began to be seen, a distance that seems to be increasing with the increasing discourses of rigor and intolerance on the political scene. Finally, in the conclusion, we present the main arguments that support this finding and suggest ways that may support a resumption of humanism. This study is current because it seeks to contribute to one of the main problems faced by contemporary societies: the containment of violence and crime efficiently but respecting human dignity.Item Violência contra o idoso na cidade de Manaus: visões e práticas dos agentes públicos da delegacia especializada em crimes contra o idoso - DECCI(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2016-08-15) Ezaki, Sayuri Souza; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe study aimed to identify the views and practices of public officials to violence against the elderly in the city of Manaus. Therefore, we delimit specific objectives that led us to know "What's being old these days"; "The profile of the elderly in Brazil and the Amazon"; "The types of violence against the elderly and the most frequent occurrences in Manaus between the years 2013 and 2015"; As a place of research defined the Police Specialized Crimes Against Elderly - DECCI, located in the city of Manaus, which works to combat and prevent all kinds of violence against the elderly, enabling us to get the civil police view that act in this context and to present the structural conditions and development of its activities in DECCI. semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentary research and police reports records for this were made. As a result, it was concluded that the person answering the Elderly DECCI is compromised by the lack station structure. Another observation is the failure of public officials working in the realization of the rights of the elderly and combating crimes against the population.Item Violência escolar contra adolescentes: estudo de caso na rede pública estadual na cidade de Manaus-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-10-04) Barros, Sandra Heloísa Oliveira; Marques, Dorli João CarlosAlthough it's an old phenomenon, the problem of violence permeates nowadays the most various spaces and social classes. This phenomenon has been changing significantly the coexistence in society, because it became common to hear in the media cases of violence against children and adolescents in the school environment. The violence has reached such huge proportions that became natural to common sense, as if everybody was predestinated, sooner or later, in an absolutely banal way, to be the next victim of a violence that can happen anytime and anywhere. This study investigated the various types of violence that occur in a school setting for students aged 14 to 18 and their probable reflexes in the development of the learning process, seeking to verify what measures can be taken to minimize or prevent such cases. Therefore, from a case study with two public high schools in the State of Amazonas, field research was carried out by collecting primary data through a structured questionnaire with students aged 14 to 18, enrolled in 1st to 3rd grades in high school. It was observed as a result of the research that violence permeates the school environment in several of its modalities, especially psychological violence, highlighting the intimidation and humiliation. In the form of sexual violence, sexual harassment stands out, often hidden due to fear of exposure to reprisals. It was also observed on the part of the pedagogical staff the nuances of the violence in its varied forms, among which the psychological one stands out, in the modality of intimidation, threats and humiliation. As a general rule, violence manifests itself as a kind of power over the other, and this often occurs in disguised form, symbolically, as if it did not exist.It is increasingly necessary and important to overcome the barrier of silence that surrounds cases of violence, especially against adolescents in our schools, prioritizing their rights of developing people and deserving special protection by the State and the family, offering social politics that meet their needs, development and well-beingItem A violência gerada pela intolerância religiosa no Brasil(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-12-06) Lessa, Bheatriz de Freitas Garcia; Loureiro, Silvia Maria da Silveira; Marques, Dorli João Carlos; Souza, Alcian Pereira de; Fonseca, Anderson Freitas daThe present work sought to investigate the forms and places of higher incidence of violence generated by religious intolerance in Brazil. The objective of the research was to investigate where the largest number of cases of violence reside and which religious groups are most affected. The problem sought subsidies to answer about what generates the resistance of people to religious manifestations different from their own, and what would be the means to establish appropriate strategies for such behavior to be eradicated. For the accomplishment of the study, the adopted method was the exploratory one. It served as input for this research, qualitative and quantitative in nature, in which the bibliographic and documentary researches were used. The results achieved indicate that there are several factors that interfere in the real exercise of freedom of belief, and the main ones are related to discrimination, lack of dialogue between different religious communities or not; and the lack of knowledge and information, making the predominant religious groups want to superimpose their dogmas on minorities.Item A violência negligenciada: significados sobre “denúncia” das mães de vítimas de abusos sexuais intrafamiliares(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-09-20) Oliveira, Dionne De Lima; Marques, Dorli João CarlosThe research investigated the issue of intrafamily sexual abuse, an issue that concerns law, public security, health and society in general. In the city of Manaus, cases of intra-family sexual abuse are mainly monitored by the Specialized Police in the Protection of Children and Adolescents - DEPCA, whose data indicate that most abusers are parents, stepparents or close relatives of the victim. The trajectory of mothers in relation to the decision to delay, omit or denounce the abuser was analyzed, and the specificities of the meanings of the "complaint" of the mothers who omitted, communicated or delayed the denunciation, whose genesis dates back to sociodemographic factors, were verified. , emotional experiences marked by similar situations of intrafamily sexual abuse, accompanied by feelings of abandonment, anger, guilt, shame, fear and in the development of strategies to deny these feelings. In this context, the following research problem emerged: why do mothers of victims of sexual abuse omit or delay in denouncing the aggressor, since he represents the most important figure in protecting their children? The methodology used was qualitative, from the perspective of socio-historical theory proposed by Vygotsky and González Rey. Semi-structured interviews of life stories were carried out to collect data, which were collected through the core meaning to understand the meanings of the “complaint”. The results indicate the inexistence of a coping network for mothers and relatives of abused children and adolescents that encourages them to report, that there are specificities between mothers who reported and mothers who omitted, with evidence of the existence of a cycle of multigenerational sexual violence, that mothers relived experiences of their own abuse due to the revelation of their children's abuse, which somehow interfered negatively in their decision-making.