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Item Ação repelente e inseticida do extrato da castanha de caju (Anacardium occidentale) sobre o cupim (Nasutitermes sp.)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-26) Portilho, Bruno Souza; Castro, Nayme Farias de; Castro, Nayme Farias de; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Trindade, Dilcindo BarrosTermites cause great economic damage to the timber industry and agriculture. Several studies have been carried out in order to enable the use of plant extracts to combat them due to their low impact on the environment and man. Thus, the anti-termite action of the extract obtained from cashew nut against Nasutitermes termites was evaluated. Non-choice and choice tests were performed that evaluated mortality in addition to feeding rate and repellency of ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts . In both extracts repellencies were obtained for all concentrations tested, with the highest percentage observed in the extract. ethanol in its highest concentration. The percentage of mortality was higher for the maximum concentration of the ethanol extract . It is concluded that the cashew nut ethanol extract shows potential to combat Nasutitermes arboreal termites .Item Análise de coliformes totais e termotolerantes da água dos bebedouros das embarcações que fazem a rota Parintins Manaus-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-05) Nogueira, Jamile Miranda; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Ademir Castro eThe water has many benefits, however, when it presents contamination can cause several damages to the health of the human being. In this way, the water supplied for consumption must have a good origin and be well treated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality of the navigational drinkers, who make the Parintins-Manaus-Parintins / AM route using the Defined Chromogenic-Fluorogenic Substrate method, the Colilert reagent, which is characterized by being a rapid laboratory method for detecting the presence or absence of total and thermotolerant coliforms of water from vessel water fountains. . The water of four navigations was analyzed, and analyzes were carried out at the exit of the fluvial means to the city of Manaus-AM and in the return of the fluvial means to the city of Parintins-AM. The drinking water was collected in four vessels, samples were collected with asepsis and without asepsis from the faucets, both at the exit of the boats to the city of Manaus, and in the return of the same to the municipality of Parintins - AM. Sterile sampling bags containing 10% sodium thiosulphate were used, followed by the standards established in the Practical Handbook of Water Analysis of FUNASA. The samples were incubated in the bacteriological oven at 36 ° C and after 24 hours positive results were observed for total coliforms in the four samples collected at the exit of the vessels to Manaus-AM and the samples of the return of the vessels to Parintins-AM were observed positive results for total coliforms in four samples and for thermotolerant coliforms in two samples. Indicating that the water is unfit for the consumption of the passengers that use these fluvial means.Item Análise do potencial alelopático do extrato das folhas secas da Bertholletia excelsa (Castanha-do-Brasil), testada na germinação da semente de Lactuca sativa L. (alface)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-26) Pinheiro, Mateus Felipe Monteiro; Castro, Naímy Farias de; Castro, Naímy Farias de; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Trindade, Dilcindo BarrosAllelopathy is the ability of a plant to produce substances (allelochemicals) in its secondary metabolism capable of directly or indirectly interfering with the development of another plant. he use of allelochemicals to combat invasive plants has grown in recent years, their use is a way to achieve sustainable development and reduce the use of pesticides. The Castanha-do-Brasil Bertholletia excelsa is an important tree, as it is a source of food for animals and is important for the economy, many products are derived from this tree. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory to test the allelopathic potential of its dried leaves. Lactuca sativa L. lettuce seed was used in Bioassay because it is widely used in phytotoxicity tests because it is sensitive to toxic substances. The experiment showed a great allelopathic potential of Brazil nut tree leaves.Item Aplicação de sequência didática para o preparo de caixas entomológicas na Escola Municipal Hilma Dutra, Barreirinha-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-09-13) Marinho, Caroline Carneiro; Trindade, Dilcindo Barros; Trindade, Dilcindo Barros; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Adailton Moreira daThis work was planned to be developed with 55 students of the 8th grade of elementary school, seeking to highlight the importance that the study of the morphology of insects can have for the teaching of Sciences, through their anatomical structures, learned through the construction of entomological boxes.The study of insects is usually done paying little attention to what is consistent with concepts about their physiology, morphology or even their ecology, always highlighting the damage they cause to man. With expository classes in the classroom, collections in the surroundings of the school, in the nearby green areas and the assembly of the entomological boxes, they could observe through images all the structures present in the insects, however, the use of non-formal space was of great relevance in this work, because removing the students from the classroom and taking them to another environment, aroused a significant interest in relation to the work proposed to them, which in the case in question was the construction of the entomological box for the study of the external morphology of insects, these animals being collected by the students themselves. 02 entomological boxes were built in each class of the 8th grade, each of them being constituted of the following orders of the Insecta Class: blatódes, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemipterans, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Odonates, Orthopterans and Tisanurons.Item Aspectos reprodutivos do Cichla monoculus. (tucunaré comum) no período de enchente e da vazante no lago do Parananema, Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-06) Farias, Patricia Cabral; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Ademir Castro eData on the reproductive biology of Cichla monoculos (tucunaré) in the flood period and ebb in floodplain lakes is of great importance for increasing knowledge about these animals, especially in the seasonal period. To analyze the reproductive aspects of this species in the Parananema lake, 57 animals were captured between October and November 2018 and 30 specimens were collected from January to February 2019. The samples were collected from 7 to 10 hours (ebb) and 16 at 18 hours (flood), using trawlers (this method of fishing allowed the collection of small fish), as well as, tarrafa, hooks and hammers (methods of capturing larger animals). In the region where the collection was made, only the species Cichla monoculus was found. After capture, each fish was measured using tape measure in centimeters and weighed using scales in grams. The observation of the gonads for sex determination was performed after ventral section of each animal. The stages of gonadal maturation were defined based on the morphology of the gonads, and both sexes allowed characterizing the four stages of development: immature, maturing, mature and emptied. The females presented the different phases of the gonadal development, being able to affirm that it is a split spawning.Item Atual realidade da produção das fibras de juta e malva nas regiões de varzea no Município de Parintins - AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-28) Gonçalves, Jonilson de Lima; Chalco, Fiorella Perotti; Chalco, Fiorella Perotti; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Adailton Moreira daNatural or vegetable fibers are considered a renewable resource and have advantages over synthetic fibers, as they are low cost, quite resistant and easy to degrade and are not toxic, many used in industrial industries, in the case of jute, which has Asian origin, and was introduced in Brazil to be used in the production of sacks, which served as packaging for the transport of grains, mainly by the people of São Paulo who were great producers and exporters of coffee. As for mallow fiber, as well as jute, it is widely used in the manufacture of textile products, there is not much information about it as to its origin, but it is a plant well adapted to lowland conditions, as in the state of Amazonas and Pará, regions with a hot and humid climate that is conducive to its development. Jute and mallow vegetable fibers leveraged the economy of Parintins for several decades, but with the bankruptcy of the local companies that commercialized this product, it directly affected the producers and everyone who somehow depended on this service for their livelihood. However, even today, even if in a precarious way, there is still the commercialization of fibers in the municipality. Thus, the present work aims to know the current reality of jute and mallow fibers in the floodplain regions near the municipality of Parintins, state of Amazonas, and if there is any incentive on the part of the authorities, as well as, how many people besides the producers are involved in the process, and what is the final destination of this product. The research was carried out from June 2021 to April 2022, through informal conversation with farmers from regions close to the municipality, who informed that the product because of several factors, including the purchase of seeds, for a high price , was causing production to be in decline for today's reality, but with the distribution of seed by the state government, for some producers, it made fiber production improve, however, not all were benefited with such distribution and had to buy seeds in exchange for fibers. The riverside people involved in this activity reported that despite all the obstacles that affect fiber productivity, it is still worth investing in this activity, as it is during this period that income improves, achieving a period of better income for the family.Item Aula prática como ferramenta pedagógica para aprendizagem significativa no ensino de zoologia.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-04) Glória, Isabela Acássia de Souza; Araújo, Joeliza Nunes; Araújo, Joeliza Nunes; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Castro, Naimy Farias deZoology is one of the areas of biology that requires the use of differentiated strategies and methodologies such as the use of ludic activities, experimental practical classes, field practical classes and informative videos. Whereas, these diversified tools contribute in the process of constructing concepts, from the previous knowledge of the students. The aim of this research was to evaluate the significant learning of the contents of Zoology through the use of practical classes with 7th grade students. The methodology used was a didactic sequence that occurred in three moments: field class for insects collection; practical classroom classroom to assemble the entomological box with representatives of the class Insecta; production of text about what they learned during the field lesson and in the production of the entomological box. The results showed that bringing students closer to reality, giving them an opportunity to observe closely the species of our fauna, is a motivating way to teach zoology. The practical classes are methodological strategies that make this change perceptible, making the construction of knowledge, from the preexisting knowledge, promoting meaningful learning.Item Aulas práticas como suporte para o ensino da evolução dos seres vivos, uma experiência com as turmas do Ensino Médio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-28) Freitas, Ádria Naísa Trindade; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Taddei, Fabiano GazziThis work is the result of the production of activities on the teaching of the "Evolution of Living Beings" in Basic Education, a research developed with students of the 3rd Year, of High School, of the Dom Gino Malvestio State School, in the municipality of Parintins/AM. In the context of the classroom, teachers face some obstacles when working on the theme, such as conceptual difficulties, sociocultural issues and didactic strategies that contribute to the understanding of the key concepts of evolutionary theory, given that it is a content often considered complex impacting on the understanding of students, requiring a differentiated didactics to meet such difficulties. The proposal of this TCC was the elaboration and application of practical classes for the teaching of Biology, with emphasis on contents on Evolution, which consisted of three dynamic, attractive and significant practical classes, in order to deepen the reflections on evolutionary theory, in a biological context and history. The results were very significant, demonstrating the need to streamline and implement practical activities in the teaching of Biology, a notorious fact in the performance of the group of students involved in the research, after the application of the practice, where the performance improved considerably.Item Avaliação da aprendizagem em biologia um estudo através do ensino da morfologia das briófitas.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-04) Macedo, Kamily Oliveira; Araújo, Joeliza Nunes; Araújo, Joeliza Nunes; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Castro, Naimy Farias deBotany, an area of biology, that studies about vegetables is considered an interesting subject by students, the factors that make it difficult for students to learn about this subject are the uses of scientific names in Latin or the terms proper to botany. This work aimed to investigate the contribution of a didactic sequence as a pedagogical strategy for meaningful learning of concepts of the morphology of bryophytes by students of the 3rd year of High School. The research was carried out at the Dom Gino Malvestio State School, located in the municipality of Parintins-Am. The methodology of the research was qualitative and the instruments for data collection were bibliographic review and field research. Although many difficulties have arisen during the process, the motivation and the involvement demonstrated by the students prove the effectiveness of the didactic sequence in the process of teaching learning about the morphological characteristics of bryophytes.Item Avaliação do conhecimento nutricional de gestantes na UBS Waldir Viana no município de Parintins- AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-07) Farias, Olivian Júlia Souza; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Bezerra , Cynara CarmoNutritional status in the preconceptional period is a determinant factor in fetal growth and development. Given the importance of adequate nutrition in pregnancy, we ask: What is the level of knowledge of pregnant women about nutritional aspects? Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the nutritional knowledge of pregnant women in the Waldir Viana Basic Health Unit in the city of Parintins-AM. It is an exploratory research, followed by a bibliographical, quantitative and an observational research. The study was carried out with 13 pregnant women in different gestation months and age groups, who attend the UBS Waldir Viana for Pre-Natal follow-up. For data collection interviews, informal conversation and questionnaire application were carried out. The results were tabulated and inserted in graphs. It is concluded that the nutritional knowledge of pregnant women is closely related to their educational level. We obtained a knowledge evaluation classified as moderate, since pregnant women often know theoretically about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet in this period, including in their habitual diet the consumption of fruits and vegetables, the accomplishment of the three main meals daily and the search for specialized care.Item Avaliação do extrato foliar da erva-de-passarinho (struthantus Marginatus dsr. Blume) como repelente e inseticida contra cupim Nasutiterme sp. (isoptera termitidae)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-03-17) Hermes, Débora Belém; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Bezerra, Cynara CarmoTermites are xylophagous organisms that cause economic impacts for the timber sector. Control is currently carried out whit industrial chemical insecticides that can cause harm to humans and impact the environment. Therefore, there is an urgent need to seek new formulas to combat these organisms, such as, for example, the use of substances extracted from plants. In this sense, we sought to evaluate the potential of leaves of Struthantus marginatus Dsr. Blume, as an insecticide repellent against Nasutitermes termite. The extracts were obtained using the cold technique with aqueous, ethanolic and hydroalcoholic solvents (1:1) at concentrations of 1,5%, 5% and 10%. Testes “Force Feeding” and reelence were made and calculating the Repellent Index (RI), the Food Preference Index (IPA) and the percentage of dead termites in each treatment. Results showed that the ethanolic extract presented the best result for repellency in all tested concentrations. The highest IPA occurred at a concentration of 5% for the aqueous and ethanolic extracts. The aqueous extract was where the highest percentage of dead individuals occurred. It is concludent that the aqueous and ethanolic extracts have repellent potential and the aqueous extract potential for efficient killing of termites of the genus Nasutitermes.Item Caracterização da produção leiteira no Município de Parintins AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-18) Souza, Graycilene de Souza e; Trindade, Dilcindo Barros; Trindade, Dilcindo Barros; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Taddei, Fabiano GazziThe purpose was to characterize the dairy production in the municipality of Parintins, State of Amazonas, for materialize the purpose this work were collected during the years 2021 and 2022 liters of milk expressed for commercialization, in two properties from the countryside, in the potion in the field and Community Macurany on solid ground. Are carried out the miking manual to obtain of milk. The composition of the herd is formed by lactating cows. The main destinations are divided between the production of derivatives cheese the delivery of milk for intermediary or directly to the consumer in natural form. Bigger is produced greater amount of milk. Only in the period of field, which match with the availability of the pastures located in that area, offering food in quantity and quality for the cows that are in lactation. There is nonexistence of support technician on the parto f power public to producers, since no property received any type of assistance technician from public bodies of extension. The dairy farming in the municipality of Parintins does not presente any specialization, since production current a diversification dairy mixed (cut-milk) system based extensive and extractive from creation.Item Conhecimentos populares sobre anfíbios anuros no Município de Parintins AMPopular knowledge about anuran amphibians in the Municipality of Parintins AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-12-22) Souza, Willyames dos Santos; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Batista Filho, Agdo RégisThis monograph aims to record empirical knowledge about amphibians and the relationship of human beings (population/people) with these wild animals and to record beliefs regarding amphibians. Ethnoherpetology was used, which is a branch of science that studies the popular knowledge of amphibians and snakes, which serves as a way to obtain information to record the research, questionnaires were applied containing closed (objective) and open (subjective) questions. the latter based on the Collective Subject Discourse Technique (DSC). The questionnaires were applied in a school located in the urban area and in members of the Macurany community. Sixty-nine students from the 7th and 8th years of elementary school at Colégio Nossa Senhora do Carmo, located in the urban area, in the rural area, participated in this research, 25 people were interviewed, totaling 94 applied questionnaires. After data collection, a lecture was held in one of the groups, with a view to expanding knowledge about anuran amphibians and clarifying the popular beliefs that were more common. With this research it was possible to verify that several myths are still considered true due to the lack of knowledge about the subject.Item Construção de uma coleção didática ictiológica no laboratório de biologia do Centro de Estudos Superiores de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-07-26) Lopes, Hanna Marinho; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Belém , Raony César Silva; Katak, Ricardo de Melo; Rocha, Elerson MatosCollections play an important role in the construction of knowledge regarding the teaching of biological sciences. This work aimed to obtain an ichthyological collection of didactic nature from the Center for Superior Studies of Parintins-CESP. Fish were obtained from two localities: Corredeira do Murituba (Gleba Vila Amazônia, firm hearth stream) and Vila Nova Community (right bank of the Amazon River, floodplain lake). The samples were immersed in 10% formalin for 24 hours and kept in plastic containers with 70% alcohol. The specimens were identified according to identification keys considering the information of the scientific name, common name, date and place of capture. In total, twenty-eight species were identified, six from the order Siluriformes, five from the order Perciformes, one from the order Osteoglossiformes, fourteen from the order Characiformes, one from the order Pleuronectiformes and one from the order Gymnotiformes. All were classified according to the characteristics found in the identification keys described in the literature. It is noticeable in Universities the lack of teaching resources such as ichthyological collections, as well as personnel with basic knowledge for making and using these collections. Thus, the assembly of an ichthyological collection will provide public schools with a point of reference in assisting practical activities in both natural and biological sciences.Item Descrição da diversidade ictiofaunística em uma área de várzea, Comunidade do Parananema, Município de Parintins, Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-12) Ferreira, Camila Cavalcante; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Souza, Luiz Paulo BatistaIchthyofaunistic diversity in floodplain areas is an important topic for the understanding of aquatic biodiversity. The study area of this study took place in an extension of the Parananema lake, located in the municipality of Parintins, in the interior of Amazonas. The monograph presented to the Biological Sciences course aims to describe the ichthyofaunistic diversity present in the Parananema lake. The study collection was carried out in May 2023, and it was carried out in accordance with the fish collection and identification protocols available in the literature. The animals were taken to the Laboratory of the Center for Research in Aquatic Biology (LNPBIO), at the University of the State of Amazonas, Centro de Ensino Superior de Parintins (CESP). Fixed in formaldehyde and placed in jars with 70% alcohol, they were described and listed following the order of the ichthyological collection present at LNPBIO. During the collection, a total of 43 individuals belonging to 17 different species, distributed in 9 families and 4 orders, were collected. These results can serve as a basis for studies in floodplain areas in the municipality of Parintins.Item Diagnóstico epidemiológico dos acidentes ofídicos no Estado do Amazonas no período de 2010 a 2017(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-12-14) Souza, Jerica Nara Correa de; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Ademir Castro eThe Amazonas state, with its a climatic characteristics and predominant economic activities, becomes a risky environment for the snakebites. Therefore, the study had as a general aim to analyze the epidemiological data of accidents by venomous snakes in the state of Amazonas, in addition to having as specific objectives the quantification of the number of cases in this time interval, showing the importance of seeking early care and identifying the main species that affect the state. A quantitative study was carried out using data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) and a literature review with a search in databases such as Scielo, pubmed. Data were collected from 2010 to 2017 in 62 municipalities in the state of Amazonas. The variables analyzed were: year with the highest incidence, municipality with the highest incidence, sex of the victim, species of snake responsible for the accident, time interval between the accident and therapy, and deaths. During the years 2010 and 2017, a total of 12,502 cases were reported in the state, with the majority of victims registered in Manaus with 1,299 cases. Most victims were male, and were affected by bites of the genus Bothrops. The greatest number of victims arrived at the hospital and started therapy between 1 and 3 hours after the accident. Deaths in the state have less than 20 cases per year. This study expands knowledge on the epidemiology of accidents by poisonous animals in the state of Amazonas, which is essential to quantify the disease burden, contribute to evidence-based health care planning, and assess the effectiveness and relative contribution of primary and secondary preventive measures and tertiary to reduce these accidents and their complications in the region.Item Ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos científicos em Fisiologia Humana: O Sistema Urinário(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-23) Piedade, Louise Cristine Alves; Chalco, Fiorella Perotti; Araújo, Joeliza Nunes; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Castro, Naimy Farias deThis work aimed to investigate the contribution of a didactic sequence involving the production of drawings and practical classes for the significant learning of concepts about the Urinary System in Basic Education. The data collection instruments used were bibliographic review and field research. In the review, the theoretical assumptions about Teaching and Learning in Biology, Meaningful Learning and the use of practical classes and drawings as a teaching methodology were sought. The field research took place through a didactic sequence in the classroom and in the science laboratory of the school addressing the theme Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System, being carried out through free observation of the class, production of drawings of the human figure, application a contextualized theoretical class, practical class and production of a drawing of an animal kidney. The research subjects were 23 students from a 2nd year high school class at Caburi State School in the rural area of Parintins-AM. The results obtained demonstrated the importance of the application of practical classes that stimulate the active participation of the students together with the contextualization of the content to make them protagonists of their learning, using their preexisting and empirical knowledge and transforming them into scientific knowledge. Contact with potentially significant material sparked his curiosity to learn about the structure and functioning of the kidney. The drawings proved to be a relevant strategy to stimulate students' creativity and make them participatory, making them evidence their previous knowledge and, later, the new knowledge acquired through illustration. Thus, with the use of this didactic modality, in addition to allowing students access to scientific investigation procedures, it enabled them to acquire new meanings in their cognitive structure regarding the subject studied.Item Estudo da comercialização e condições de armazenamento do pescado em duas feiras da cidade de Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-05) Ferreira , Viviane de Castro; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Silva, Adailton Moreira daThe state of Amazonas is the largest producer of freshwater fish in Brazil, and most of the production comes from the interior and is landed in Manaus-AM, and the consumption of this natural resource is a great expression of the local culture. The habit of consuming fish is rooted in the Amazonian culture, with fishing being a secular practice that contributes to the maintenance of traditional populations. Taking into account the importance of fish trade in fairs, this study aims to verify the commercialization and storage conditions of the fish that is marketed in two fairs in the city of Parintins, as these conditions directly reflect the quality of the fish, especially the most important species. consumed by the population of Parintinense, since it is a food that is still the most consumed in the region, besides being the source of income of thousands of families who take from the sale of the fish their livelihood. The research was carried out through interviews with fairs of two fairs of the Municipality of Parintins, the Fair of Bagaço and Fair Nova Conquista, being discussed conditions of handling of the fish from its capture to the consumer market. After collecting data and checking the fish offered at the fairs, it can be observed that during the flood period, matrinxã (Brycon cephalus), pacu (Mylossoma spp.), Jaraqui (Prochilodus taeeniatus), sardines (Triportheus spp.) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), were being commercialized in the two fairs visited. Regarding consumption, it was found that 67% of consumers eat fish once or twice a week, 28% of respondents reported consuming fish three to four times a week and the other 5% said they consume fish one twice a month. As for the marketers, the profile traced after the interview indicates that 100% of these are male, married, with an age group between 30 and 42 years and about 15 years of experience. In the two fairs researched, the fish is put into freezers, in a very precarious state in average of 72 hours.Item O etnoconhecimento do uso do mel de abelha no tratamento da gripe e resfriado em Parintins e Boa Vista do Ramos AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-11-23) Leocádio, Cintia de Souza; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Ademir Castro eBrazil has a great apícola potential, due to the fact that its flora is quite diversified due to its territorial extension and the existing climatic variability, allowing the production of honey throughout the whole country, different from other countries that normally harvest honey once a year. The present work aims to identify the importance of the use of bee honey as a medicine in the treatment of flu and cold from the point of view of the subjects in the municipality of Boa Vista do Ramos e Parintins. The study was conducted in both municipalities. The questionnaires were applied to a target audience and contained questions directly, addressing the location, age, sex, school level, time of using the honey, the time of use and mixing, etc. from the interviews, the subjects claim to have traditional knowledge about the use of bee honey through the times passed on to older people and relatives and some of their parents.Item O etnoconhecimento sobre a pesca e a biologia do acari-bodó (liposarcus pardalis) no município de Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-06) Moraes, Caroline Messias; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Bezerra, Cynara Carmo; Silva, Ademir Castro eIn the State of Amazonas, fishing is one of the most traditional economic activities in riverside communities. The present work aims to characterize the fishing and biology of the acari-bodó (Liposarcus pardalis) from the point of view of the traditional knowledge of riparians in the municipality of Parintins / AM. The study was carried out in the communities of Santo Antônio do Catispera, São Sebastião da Brasília, Paraná do Espírito Santo de Cima and São Sebastião do Boto in the Municipality of Parintins-AM. The questionnaires were applied and contained questions in a direct way, addressing the locality, age, sex, school level, reproduction, feeding, acari-bodó life cycle, and so on. From the interviews, the riverside people claim to have the traditional knowledge about the biology and the exclusive fishing of the acari-bodó, in which it can provide subsidies for governmental and non-governmental institutions that deal with regional fisheries management.