Santos, Ivanilson Oliveira dosFerreira, Darlisom SouzaTeixeira, ElizabethSicsu, Amélia Nunes2023-06-192024-09-062023-06-192023-06-192023-06-19SANTOS, Ivanilson Oliveira dos; Et al. O guia para elas: v.1. Manaus: Editora UEA, 2023. 33 p.978-85-7883-595-8 guide is intended for care and information about breast cancer, risks, signs and symptoms of the disease. It brings information about mammography and breast self-examination, as well as a conversation with journalist Juliane, a breast cancer survivor. The educational guides will be able to mediate, in the context of the practice of Nursing in Public Health, actions with a view to enhancing health education for supported self-care and the quality of life of individuals and families in the context of chronic conditions.Acesso AbertoSaúde femininaAutocuidadoO guia para elas: v.1The guide to them: v.1Livro