Castro, Franklin Rooselvelt Martins deGomes, Eva Cristina Almeida2020-12-142024-09-122020-11-092020-12-142019-08-01 objective of this research is to understand the use of ICT's in the 9th grade Portuguese language classes at the Francisco Canindé Cavalcante municipal school in the city of Maués / Am. This research is based on the theories of Pierre Lévy (1993), who studies the contributions and impacts caused since the creation of ICTs until today; Lopes (2003), which explains the importance of multiliteracy; And Modrow and Silva (2013), address the importance of using ICTs in the school environment. Through this research it is possible to understand the use of ICT's at school, as used as a methodological resource, they diversify and give new possibilities to work on subjects necessary for the social and professional formation of the individual, giving new learning opportunities to everyone, as each one has a way of learning the same content.Acesso Aberto´sInternetHipertextosMultiletramentoProfessoresA utilização das TIC’S (tecnologia de informação e comunicação) como recurso metodológico nas aulas de língua portuguesaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso