Gonçalves, Isabela Cristina de MirandaBrasil, Vivianne Brandt Pereira2024-11-142024-09-27https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/7109COVID-19 is an infectious disease responsible for the pandemic since 2020, where the health systems adopted by each country have sought in different ways, although with the same objective, to block or minimize the effects caused by the pandemic. In Brazil, countless organizational strategies and the use of new technologies for the health care of the population were necessary to adapt the services aiming at the development of surveillance and health care actions for the population. Within the scope of Primary Health Care (PHC), the main gateway for the population to health services, the actions sought to align the monitoring of data related to COVID-19 and the control of determinants, risks and damage to health in the specific territory of their action, so that they could guarantee the permanence of health care for the individual and the community even in a pandemic moment. The objective of the study is to analyze the integration of Health Surveillance actions and Primary Health Care in coping with COVID-19 in Manaus, to reduce the exposure to the risk of contamination in the population and in health care workers, identifying difficulties and potentialities. This study will be part of a macro research project, entitled “Analysis of health surveillance models and strategies in the COVID-19 pandemic”, it is a study classified as descriptive and exploratory, of a quantitative approach, through the collection of primary data so that it is possible to investigate health surveillance actions in Primary Health Care in the city of Manaus.ptAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/Vigilância em saúde públicaAtenção primária à saúdeCOVID-19public health surveillanceAnálise das ações de Vigilância em Saúde na Atenção Primária à Saúde no enfrentamento da COVID-19 em ManausAnalysis of Health Surveillance actions in Primary Health Care to combat COVID-19 in ManausDissertação