Amoedo, Francisca Keila de FreitasFreire, Eliney Corrêa de Souza2022-05-122024-09-122019-05-042022-05-122019-08-01 article discusses the pedagogical practice of textual production in the classroom, specifically in two classes of the 6th year of Elementary School II, in a municipal school in Maués. The purpose of this research arose from the practice of supervised internship I, carried out at Escola Estadual Professora Santina Felizola, and later confirmed in the observation phase for this article at the municipal school Francisco Canindé Cavalcante. Using theorists such as Soares(2011), Vygotsky(1989), Demo(2009), Martins(2006), Chomsky(1965), Beaugrande(1997), Fávero(2008), Coutinho(2004), Wazlawik(2014), Kleiman( 2008), Mainguenau(2005), Freire(1989), PCNs(1997), PCNs(2001), Senna(2000), Gaskell(2002), Althusser(1987), a contribution to efficient and structured discussion on the practice of textual productions. The discussions in this article confirm that teaching content related to the discipline of Portuguese, and substantiating textual productions in the classroom is not an easy task, as it is not just about transmitting knowledge and content from the teacher to the student, but, in general, to enable the student to go through the acquisition process and, at each school term, to master the language and structure required by the school assessment processes. The data collected in the activities applied in the classroom allowed subsidies that support the conclusion of this article. From the above, it is then necessary that there is a more committed work, on the part of the school community involved, regarding the writing practice of the students, because it is only from this written practice that the individual acquires a baggage of knowledge that It will broaden your world view. Thus, we will have texts produced with more content, clarity and criticality.Acesso AbertoProduções TextuaisPrática PedagógicaEnsinoProdução textual como prática pedagógica em duas turmas de 6º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública do município de Maués AMTextual production as a pedagogical practice in two classes of the 6th year of elementary school in a public school in the municipality of Maués AMTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso