Matos, Nyalle BarbozaDichtl, Saskya Rodrigues2024-06-102024-10-022024-06-072024-06-102024-02-15 aim of this article was to analyze and evaluate the impact of teacher training on the academic performance of students graduating from public universities in the North. The scientific method used was descriptive and bibliographic with a qualitative and quantitative approach, which contrasts the numerical data and statistics of the northern region with the other Brazilian regions, using tables and correlating data from the Higher Education Census, Statistical Reports from the Federal Accounting Council and the Ministry of Education's e-MEC system. As a result, it was possible to see that public universities with a teaching staff made up mostly of masters and doctors have the best results in external exams such as CFC and ENADE. This study is relevant because it encourages research into higher education in the northern region. In terms of contributions, in the scientific sphere there has been an increase in content on the quality of higher education in the northern region. and, in the social sphere, the increase in regional awareness. This highlights the the need for investment in higher education in the region, with the aim of developing and mitigate the differences between the states.Acesso AbertoQualificação docenteRendimento acadêmicoRegião norteFormação dos docentes e o desempenho acadêmico dos egressos das universidades públicas da região norte: uma análise a partir dos resultados do ENADE e CFC.Teacher training and the academic performance of graduates from public universities in the northern region: an analysis based on the results of ENADE and CFC.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Contábeis