Bittencourt, Maryângela AguiarAraújo, Vitória Gabriela Pinheiro de2023-10-182024-10-022023-10-172023-10-182021-07-30 article aims to identify how it is possible to optimize the accounting process for the social medical assistance benefit, known as health aid. The importance of the study lies in concentrating on the principle of efficiency, with specific objectives being the description of operation, verification of obstacles and efficient service of technologies, search for methods carried out in other public bodies and also the proposal for improvement, if necessary. As a result, the systematization of procedures contributed to the efficiency of accountability. Furthermore, research points to the possibility of improvements through the use of a system user team, and the implementation of a project to align communication with beneficiaries and inform the new guidelines highlighted in this study.Acesso AbertoAdministração - CursoAuxílioSaúdeEficiênciaProcessoEstudo sobre a otimização do processo de prestação de contas do auxílio saúde em setor de gestão de pessoasStudy on optimizing the health aid accountability process in the people management sectorTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoAdministração