Fonseca, Maildson AraújoSilva, Gerrivaldo Torres da2020-09-022024-08-302020-08-042020-09-022019-11-27 paper presents the results of a research that aims to show the use of drug labels as context for teaching the simple three rule, configuring in a qualitative research because it corresponds to the epistemological commitment and the critical conception of educational research. It was developed in an elementary school in Parintins - Amazonas, with the participation of twenty 8th grade students who worked directly in the following activities: workshop, questionnaire, observation and demonstration of problems related to the dosage of medicines. The data obtained in this research showed that the lack of interest of students of basic education in reading and interpretation of mathematical problems in our daily lives, has contributed to the low achievement and consequently lack of interest in mathematics.Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilAcesso AbertoáticaBulas de MedicamentosRegra de TrêsAs bulas de medicamentos como contexto para o ensino de regras de três simplesMedication leaflets as a context for teaching simple three rulesTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso