Castro, Franklin Roosevelt Martins deSilva, Francinilda Andreice Brandão da2022-05-122024-09-122022-05-042022-05-122019-08-02 work is titled Linguistic Prejudice, where the main objective of the present research is to analyze the factors responsible for the Linguistic Prejudice, suffered by people with a low level of schooling on Maria Madalena street, in the Santa Luzia neighborhood in Maués-AM, in addition to identifying how this prejudice affects the social life of these people. With this in mind, in order to have a more accurate understanding of the subject, the research started first from the studies already carried out by Bagno (2006, 2007, 2008), Martelotta (2010), Goffman (1998), Calvet (2002), Labov ( 2008), among other scholars on the subject. After this bibliographic study, a field research was carried out using the quantitative method, where the type of research was descriptive. According to this research, it can be concluded that, in fact, the variant used by this group of people with a low level of education is considered to have the least prestige, which makes them the target of prejudices that make these people feel inferior. in relation to the others that make use of the most prestigious variant.Acesso AbertoPreconceitoLinguíticaNormaPreconceito linguístico sofrido por pessoas com baixo grau de escolaridade no bairro de Santa Luzia no munícipio de Maués.Linguistic prejudice suffered by people with a low level of education in the neighborhood of Santa Luzia in the municipality of Maués.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso