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Edição nº 06 – 2º Semestre de 2015.2525-4537 Brazil is in a current scenario of moral and financial crisis that runs from previous years and is reflected in the increase in the population contingent of street people. As a reflection of an omnipotent and indifferent public power, society ends up reproducing this indifference with acts of social stigmatization, discrimination and prejudice, where consumerist and individualistic interests prevail around the world of things in inverse proportion to the appreciation of the human person. The lack of implementation of basic human rights provided for by the 1988 Constitution and the establishment of the National Policy for Street People by Decree No. 7.053 / 09 is still very ineffective. With the country's redemocratization, the search for the realization of fundamental human rights in Brazil began, although all efforts to have an egalitarian society, there is still a lot of inequality and violation of rights with regard to the most vulnerable groups such as people in street situations. The principle of this Public Policy is the incentive to integrated action, in order to provide autonomy to these people, guaranteeing their access to public services. It is concluded that, although there has been a great advance in this sense, it is perceived that there is a long way to go in search of the guarantee of the fundamental rights of every human being, the ineffectiveness of the public policies directed to this population is in the limiting normative acts endowed with symbolism with little concretization of the provisions set forth in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. This article aimed to characterize the fundamental rights of street people whose public policies have been ineffective in this population. Identifying the reasons that contribute to this ineffectiveness. The methodology used was the type of bibliographic research in other scientific articles that approached this subject, being able to make a correlation between the concepts and ideas to the detriment of the subject in question, research with qualitative approach and of dialectical method. With the problematic of why the fundamental rights to the people in situation of street are so violated? And what are the difficulties encountered in not having effective public policies regarding this target audience. Key words: Residents in street situation. Fundamental rights. Ineffectiveness. Public policy.Acesso AbertoDireitos FundamentaisInefetividadePolíticas PúblicasDireitos humanos fundamentais de pessoas em situação de rua e a inefetividade das políticas públicas no BrasilFundamental human rights of people in street situation and the ineffectiveness of public policies in BrazilArtigo de PeriódicoDireito