Breves, Núbia do Socorro PintoMota, Dalva Suely MoraesMubarac Sobrinho3, Roberto Sanches2020-08-012024-09-102020-07-312020-08-012013-07-13BANDEIRA, F. S. F. Construindo uma epistemologia do conhecimento tradicional: problemas e perspectivas. In: ENCONTRO BAIANO DE ETNOBIOLOGIA E ETNOECOLOGIA, 1., 2001, Feira de Santana. Anais: UEFS, 2001. p. 109-133. BONIN, I. T.; SILVA KAMBEBA, R. C. (Orgs.) Aua: Kambeba a palavra da aldeia Nossa Senhora da Saúde. Brasília: Cimi/Unicef,1999. CAMPOS, M. D’O. Etnociências ou etnografia de saberes, técnicas e práticas. AMOROSO, M. C. M.; MING, L. C.; SILVA, S. P. (Orgs.). Métodos de coleta e análise de dados em etnobiologia, etnoecologia e disciplinas correlatas. São Paulo: Unesp/ CNPQ, 2002. p. 46-92. CHASSOT, A. Alfabetização cientifica: questões e desafios para educação. 5. ed. rev. Ijui-RS: Ed. Unijui, 2010. COBERN, W. W. Constructivism and non-western science education research. International Journal of Science Education, Routledge, v. 4, n. 3, p. 287-302, 1996. COBERN, W. W.; LOVING, C. C. Defining science in a multicultural world: implications for science education. Science Education, New York, v. 85, n. 1, p. 50-67, 2001.1984-7505 article presents part of the research master's: “Knowledge Omágua/Kambeba and Science Education: a study case in the Três Unidos School - Aua Kambeba in the Cuieiras river/Lower Negro river. This cut is intended to present theoretical reflections on the relationship between the conceptions of science, traditional knowledge and pedagogical practices of indigenous peoples to pass on their knowledge, in this case, the knowledge of the people Omágua/Kambeba. This discussion starts during an observetion of the teaching and learning process in science education, considering the vision of construction and complexity of knowledge and the scientific spirit within the ethnic context. The choice of this theme was toresearch from educational action in public schools, seeking to highlight the ethnic diversity in the Amazon region, deepening thus the construction of indigenous knowledge about the universe and their own learning processes theoretically. This experience was strengthened with studies in the Master of Education program in Science Teaching in the Amazon - University of Amazonas, UEA, by which realized the need for coordination between the discussion on the concepts of science, scientism, knowledge/indigenous traditional knowledge. Keywords: Knowledge/indigenous traditional knowledge, science, scientism.Acesso Aberto Tradicionais IndígenasCiênciasCientificismoReflexões sobre as concepções de Ciências e conhecimentos saberes tradicionais indígenas dos OmáguakambebaReflections about the science concepts and skills/ knowledge of indigenous traditional omágua/kambebaArtigo de PeriódicoCiências