Aguiar, Denison MeloOliveira, Patrícia Maia de2019-12-062024-10-022019-12-042019-12-062018-12-13 that several researches prove the effects of mercury on the environment and people, as well as the mercurial contamination in the Amazon, being this chemical element from mines; also knowing that Brazil ranks first among countries that have illegal mining activities on indigenous lands and conservation areas; research on the International Protection of the rights of indigenous peoples of indigenous lands located in the northwest of the Amazon against the risk of contamination. Therefore, it is necessary to verify the environmental theme in the Inter-American Human Rights System; to raise the instructions of the international conventions on the mercury theme of which Brazil makes is consignee; and to investigate the situation of the indigenous peoples of the northwestern Amazon region in relation to mineral extraction activity. Then, a deductive documentary and bibliographic research is carried out in the northwestern Amazon area, targeting indigenous populations. In view of this, it appears that the Inter-American Court recognized the existence of the undeniable relationship between the protection of the environment and the realization of other human rights, making it possible for the Court to be directly prosecuted of the environment; Brazil has made a commitment to reduce mercury use through the Minamata Convention; Indigenous peoples of the demarcated region have no interest in mineral exploration in the face of the current conditions imposed, but receive many harassment. This requires the realization that the application of the principle of prevention of environmental law is necessary in cases involving mining and Indigenous Lands, as well as it is important for the achievement of the international protection goals that mines near the IT are regularized and that Priority should be given to inspections of illegal mines in the Indigenous Lands; compliance with the information principle set out in OC-23 is also required.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil AmbientalEnvironmental LawDireitos HumanosHuman rightsPovos indígenasIndian peopleMercúrioMercuryNoroeste AmazônicoAmazon NorthwestProteção internacional dos direitos humanos dos povos indígenas: possibilidade de contaminação mercurial do noroeste amazônicoInternational protection of human rights of indigenous peoples: possibility of mercurial contamination of the Amazonian northwestTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso