Souto, Luciano Hercílio AlvesSouza, Thiago dos Santos2020-04-022024-09-062020-04-032020-04-022019-06-03 theme “study strategies” deals with knowing and understanding the steps and processes related to instrumental study, addressing issues such as the best study environment and time, stretching, warming up, divisions and strategies for learning, difficulties identification, mental study, memorization, among many other topics related to the musical practice. Study strategies brought by research in the area of musical cognition can help in overcoming problems related to our instrumental study practice. The proposed problem in this research is: how can instrument study strategies help to understand and have a better performance in the study practice? The general objective of this paper is to verify how instrument study strategies can help to understand and improve practice. The first specific objective is to extract orientations from the theoretical work on the area, in order to obtain a set of ideas and knowledge that allow the creation of a theoretical framework that can support the instrument study understanding, and the second specific objective is to assign solutions for problems related to the understanding of study practice. In order to reach such objectives, this paper proposes a literature review on the subject, ending with a epitome of the study strategies addressed. Keywords: Strategies studying. Studying musical instrument performance. Preparing for performance.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilEstratégias de estudoEstudo do instrumentoPreparação para performanceEstratégias de estudo do instrumento: orientações práticasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoMúsica