Castro, Jhon Weiner deMelo, Iogan Ariel Montefusco2022-08-102024-09-062022-07-282022-08-102022-05-30MELO, Iogan Ariel Montefusco. No compasso da cena: estudos da dramaturgia melódica. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Teatro). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2022. article aims to raise reflections and record experience about scenic constructions through a musical bias, thinking about rhythm, time, timbre, silences and sounds, and how these concepts may or may not help us in scenic making. For that, I use as my research object the show Pacatuba, of my own authorship and that carries an ethnographic content for portraying the city in which I grew up through my memories and experiences there.Acesso AbertoMusicalidadeMemóriaProcesso criativoTeatralidadeMusicalityMemoryCreative processTheatricalityNo compasso da cena: estudos da dramaturgia melódicaIn the beat of the scene: studies of melodic dramaturgyTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Humanas