2021-05-142024-09-182021-05-152021-05-142019ENCONTRO DE PERSPECTIVAS : PODER E SIMBOLISMO EM TRÊS DÉCADAS DE CIDADANIA E REDEMOCRATIZAÇÃO BRASILEIRA, 5., 2019, Manaus, Tefé. Anais eletrônicos [...]. Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital, 2019.https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5494The theme of the Perspectives Meeting: “Power and Symbolism in three decades of Brazilian citizenship and redemocratization”, proposes a reflection on the context of exercising citizenship in these three decades of redemocratization, wrapped in symbolic relations of power. The event aims, in general, to promote a space for socializing research projects developed by students and professors / researchers from undergraduate and graduate courses linked to LAPECSAM and other research groups originating in the UEA and / or outside it. It is understood that, by sharing with researchers from outside Amazonas and Brazil the research experiences developed by UEA professors and students, it will be possible to achieve, with this exchange of experiences, the expansion of a research network that has been consolidated.Acesso Abertohttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/Política e governo.Sociedade.Politics and government.Society.Anais do 5º Encontro de perspectivas poder e simbolismo em três décadas de cidadania e redemocratização brasileiraProceedings of the 5th Meeting of perspectives on power and symbolism in three decades of Brazilian citizenship and redemocratizationAnaisEstado e GovernoPolíticas Públicas