Matos, Mauricio2022-04-182024-09-062022-04-112022-04-182022-04-08MATOS, Mauricio. Ao longo da ribeira: estudos de literatura portuguesa 2000-2010. 2. ed. rev. Manaus: Editora UEA, 2022.9786580033553 book brings together articles on Portuguese Literature from the 16th and 20th century – unpublished before the publication of the first edition, although written and published separately over a decade (2000-2010) –, all revised for the this new digital edition.Acesso AbertoLiteratura portuguesaFernando PessoaFernando LemosBernardim RibeiroAo longo da ribeira: estudos de literatura portuguesa 2000-2010Along the river's edge: studies of portuguese literature 2000-2010Livro