Albuquerque, Ricardo Tavares deSantos, Anna Livia de Sousa2023-11-232024-09-062023-02-242023-11-232023-02-24 article aims to explain the need to include in the Federal Constitution not only the right to life, but also to indicate the theory, among the various existing ones, that should be adopted. For this, it discusses the theories pointed out by the doctrine, both conceptionist and genetic-developmentalist, and which of them appear to be adopted by each law, causing inevitable insecurity about such a valuable legal asset, considering that there is no way for two theories to coexist, since one logically cancels out the other.Acesso AbertoDireito à VidaRight to lifeNascituroUnborn childBiodireitoBiolawOnde se inicia o direito à vida no Brasil?Where does the right to life begin in Brazil?Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito