Canan, Felipe2023-05-052024-09-062023-05-042023-05-052023-05-10CANAN, Felipe. Jogos esportivos de disputa de bola: teoria reral e jogos de bola ao cesto. Manaus (AM): editora UEA, 2023.978-85-7883-597-2 this second volume, in particular, Canan lists and describes ball games, such as basketball and basket ball, among others. The collection aims to learn about, catalog, and describe ball sports games. Using solid theoretical foundations, the author seeks to build a general theory of ball sports games that can cover both the understanding and the analysis and description of the games in question.Acesso AbertoJogos EsportivosBolaTeoria GeralCestoJogos esportivos de disputa de bola: teoria geral e jogos de bola ao cestoBall games: general theory and Bball-to-Ball gamesLivroEducação física