Nascimento, Dilce PioRibeiro, Sofia Pereira2025-01-102025-01-09RIBEIRO, Sofia Pereira. A Recepção leitora da obra Relato de um certo oriente em duas escolas públicas de Parintins - AM. 2024. 60f. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura em Letras – Língua Portuguesa) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024. Course Completion work (TCC) has as its theme, Reading Reception of the Work “Relato de Um Certo Oriente” In Duas Escolas Públicas de Parintins – AM. The general objective was to analyze the reading reception of the work among 2nd year high school students in two public schools in the Municipality of Parintins – AM. In this way, the specific objectives are: to reflect on the reading of the work and its importance in the studies of Amazonian Literature and to identify how the students received the work, what they saw and what they felt when reading it in the classroom. This work was based on a research project that highlighted Amazonian Literature as little known due to its absence in the classroom, with students, in general, not being close to this literature, due to the fact that they are not part of it. of the syllabus of the Portuguese Language subject. Within this scenario of difficulties surrounding Amazonian Literature, there is a need to show its importance, highlighting it. The methodological procedures from the perspective of the objectives proposed in this work were bibliographical research that allows the researcher a first contact with the topic addressed, and field research in the classroom. Among the main authors, Jorge Tufic (1984), Regina Zilberman (1989), Tenório Telles and Antônio Paulo Graça (2021) and Terry Eagleton (2006) stand out, their methodology is the Reception Theory based on the studies of Hans Robert Jauss (1994), seeking to bring Amazonian Literature closer to high school students.ptAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil da RecepçãoLiteratura AmazonenseLeitoraRelato de um Certo Oriente.Recepção leitora da obra "Relato de um certo oriente" em duas escolas públicas de Parintins - AMReader reception of the work Report of a Certain Orient in two public schools in Parintins - AMTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso