Rendeiro, Manoel Fernandes BrazGonçalves, Carolina BrandãoAraújo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveia deCarvalho, Francinete BandeiraMagalhães, Cíntia Emanuelly RamosMateus, Wagner de DeusAlmeida, Elder Tânio Gomes de2019-12-022024-09-062019-12-022019-11-14978-65-80033-07-2 book is composed of 7 chapters that have as object of study the following subjects: information and communication technologies, the scientific journals supported by the Internet, the Museums as spaces of interlocution of knowledge and constitutors of dialogues between the past and the present in its dimension with Science and the use of videos in the school context produced by the students themselves to learn the scientific contents.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 BrasilCiênciasEstudo e ensinoCiência e tecnologiaTecnologia da informaçãoGonçalves, Carolina BrandãoMagalhães, Cíntia Emanuelly RamosAraújo, Cleusa Suzana de OliveiraDivulgação científica: teorias e práticas para o ensino de ciências no AmazonasLivroEducaçãoEnsino-AprendizagemMétodos e Técnicas de EnsinoTecnologia Educacional