Rios, OtávioPiñeiro, Shirlei R. V. C.2021-06-072024-09-172018-06-072021-06-072018RIOS, Otávio (elab.); PIÑEIRO, S. R. V. C. (elab.); UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DO AMAZONAS (Amazonas); Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas [relatório técnico 2016-2018]. Manaus: UEA, 2018. Disponível em: report that aims to present organized data about the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Sciences in the year 2016. It is an Academic Master's Degree, with a multicampi proposal, contributing, for the first time in Amazonas, with effective internalization of the graduate program in the area of operation. It aims to contribute to the training of the staff of UEA, capital and interior, SEDUC and other teaching and research institutions. Part of the problematization of the concept of culture: allowing research to be carried out in different areas, working with a permanent teaching staff in Manaus and Tefé, through a partnership with the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute (ISDM), which may benefit postgraduate studies and graduation. Integration of the New Social Cartography of the Amazon Project (PNCSA), based at ESAT and led by Prof. Dr. Alfredo Wagner Berno de Almeida, as Research Laboratory of PPGICH.Acesso AbertoPós-Graduação .Ciências Humanas .Amazonas .Cultura .PPGI.CH: Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas [relatório técnico PPGICH 2016-2018]Relatório Técnico PPGICH 2016-2018RelatórioCiências Humanas