Costa, Munique Therense Costa de MoraisRodrigues, Cristina Gonçalves2024-02-292024-09-062024-02-262024-02-292023-03-03 the experience of childless women trying to access tubal ligation in the capital of Amazonas. Method: netnographic study, of a descriptive and exploratory nature, with a qualitative approach. Carried out with 20 women without children, through a private group on a social network, through posts released weekly. Data collection took place from June 21, 2022 to September 13, 2022 and analysis took place using Bardin Content Analysis, based on a data analysis framework. Results: This research was able to highlight issues such as: the main difficulties highlighted by the participants in carrying out the surgery, noting that access to knowledge about sexual and reproductive rights, the criteria established for carrying out the surgical procedure and medical denial as response; the characterization of professional care based on the experiences of these women and finally the feelings encountered on this journey, both by those who have not yet made any concrete attempt and by those who already have a history of requests, this second group pointed out the predominance of negative feelings on this journeyAcesso AbertoSaúde da mulherPlanejamento reprodutivoLaqueadura tubáriaAutonomia pessoalEsterilização voluntáriaTubal ligationA experiência de mulheres sem filhos na tentativa de acesso à laqueadura na cidade de ManausThe experience of childless women trying to access tubal ligation in the city of ManausTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso