Chalco, Fiorella PerottiPiedade, Louise Cristine Alves2022-10-312024-08-302022-10-262022-10-312022-05-23PIEDADE, Louise Cristine Alves. Ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos científicos em Fisiologia Humana: O Sistema Urinário. 2022. 82f. TCC (Graduação em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. work aimed to investigate the contribution of a didactic sequence involving the production of drawings and practical classes for the significant learning of concepts about the Urinary System in Basic Education. The data collection instruments used were bibliographic review and field research. In the review, the theoretical assumptions about Teaching and Learning in Biology, Meaningful Learning and the use of practical classes and drawings as a teaching methodology were sought. The field research took place through a didactic sequence in the classroom and in the science laboratory of the school addressing the theme Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System, being carried out through free observation of the class, production of drawings of the human figure, application a contextualized theoretical class, practical class and production of a drawing of an animal kidney. The research subjects were 23 students from a 2nd year high school class at Caburi State School in the rural area of Parintins-AM. The results obtained demonstrated the importance of the application of practical classes that stimulate the active participation of the students together with the contextualization of the content to make them protagonists of their learning, using their preexisting and empirical knowledge and transforming them into scientific knowledge. Contact with potentially significant material sparked his curiosity to learn about the structure and functioning of the kidney. The drawings proved to be a relevant strategy to stimulate students' creativity and make them participatory, making them evidence their previous knowledge and, later, the new knowledge acquired through illustration. Thus, with the use of this didactic modality, in addition to allowing students access to scientific investigation procedures, it enabled them to acquire new meanings in their cognitive structure regarding the subject studied.Acesso AbertoAprendizagem SignificativaAulas práticasDesenhosEnsino de Fisiologia HumanaEnsino e aprendizagem de conceitos científicos em Fisiologia Humana: O Sistema UrinárioTeaching and learning scientific concepts in Human Physiology: The Urinary SystemTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso