Sicsu, Delma PachecoFarias, Esther Jayanne Silva2022-05-032024-09-122022-05-022022-05-032019-08-02 research aims to investigate how comics can encourage the development of reading proficiency in 6th grade students of the Francisco Canindé Cavalcante Municipal School in Maués-Am. Thus, in the context of the research we present as a method of approach the dialectic and as a nature the field research that allows greater interaction between the subjects and the researched object, as instruments of data collection we use observation, questionnaires and the reading workshop held in the school that under a qualitative analysis of the data, which gave us clarity and opinion about the results achieved the light of the theoreticians Cagliari (1993), Libâneo (1994), Mendonça (2002), Vergueiro (2007), Ramos (2006) and NCPs As results, we emphasize the importance of HQ as an incentive to pleasure for reading and also as a methodological practice to be used by the teacher as a tool of encouragement and effective meaning of knowledge. With this research, we hope to contribute to the good development and encouragement of reading in the classroom favoring the teaching and learning process for all the subjects involved in the school.Acesso AbertoHistória em QuadrinhosLeituraAprendizagemAs HQS como incentivo para a prática de leitura em uma escola municipal de MauésHQS as an incentive for the practice of reading in a municipal school in MauésTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso