Ribeiro, Gláucia Maria AraújoOliveira, Caio César Sena de2024-06-192024-09-062024-06-142024-06-192024-02-07https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/2688The article presents a detailed study of the Autazes case, emphasizing the intersection between administrative competencies and the safeguarding of indigenous rights, amidst the of ADPF 991. With an objective and precise narrative, he navigates the complexity of government decisions, contrasting them with the imperatives of environmental protection and cultural. The investigation reveals the nuances of public policies and corporate actions, highlighting the need for a sustainable balance between development and conservation. This study is a faithful portrait of current legal and administrative dynamics, shedding light on the paths towards harmonizing the interests at stake in Brazil.Acesso AbertoCaso AutazesAutazes caseADPFADPFDireitos IndígenasIndigenous RightsDesenvolvimento sustentávelDevelopment sustainableCompetênciasSkillsAnálise do conflito de competências administrativas no caso Autazes, seus desdobramentos com o advento da ADPF 991 e a efetiva proteção dos direitos dos povos Indígenas.Analysis of the conflict of administrative powers in the Autazes case, its developments with the advent of ADPF 991 and the effective protection of the rights of Indigenous peoples.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito