Trindade, Genarde MacedoLima, Alessandro Freire de2022-11-252024-08-302020-01-202022-11-252019-12-12 Reality (AR) in education is a new medium in which technology has arrived and is gradually marking territory and redefining the roles of partners in the educational process. As an integration of all previous technologies and developments, AR has come to reinforce traditional teaching methods or as a way of renewing learning opportunities, as well as bringing content closer to the reality of students. Now students can enjoy images that escape the only two-dimensional pattern of objects, such as videos and textbooks, integrated into their threedimensional reality through smartphones and tablets. As a result, AR technology is strengthening education, making the process more dynamic and more capable of assimilating processes that are didactically better explained and previously distant realities are added to reality itself, all in a much simpler way. This technology is immersion created through computational tools in which the user performs certain tasks, it designates interaction between virtual environments and the physical world. Within this perspective, this paper presents the development of a mobile application of AR as a tool to aid in teaching the multiplication operation. The concepts of multiplication is generally exposed with a theoretical methodology. As a result, RA capabilities enable visual representation through two-dimensional (2D) objects that make lessons more diverse and interactive for learners by making them understand the multiplication more widely.Acesso AbertoRealidade AumentadaTecnologia; EducaçãoAplicação MóvelMultiplicaçãoApparit: uma aplicação em realidade aumentada como auxilio no ensino da multiplicação na educaçâo de jovens e adultos da primeira faseApparit: an augmented reality application as an aid in teaching multiplication in adult and first-phase adult educationTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso