Barros, João Luiz da CostaFarias, Isabel Maria Sabino deRodrigues, Hellen Cris de AlmeidaFarias, Marnilde Silva de2021-05-142024-09-102021-05-052021-05-142020-07-03 text aims to understand how the training of professional teacher researchers in a Postgraduate Program in Education is conceived, based on the experiences and perspectives lived in the Collective Guidance Meetings (ECO) linked to a research group on Education and School Culture. An exploratory research was conducted with the effective participation of eleven teacher researchers who gave individual electronic interviews, which were considered for data analysis. It was possible to conclude that the experiences lived by the teachers of the research group in the insertion/interaction process can provide subsidies for building a community of apprentices in a postgraduate program in education, either by means of a collective reflection, or the possibility of improvement in professional action, mainly through the dialogue that was developed in the group, which can lead to training in a critical-reflexive perspective.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasilção DocenteComunidade AprendenteDesenvolvimento ProfissionalContribuição dos encontros de orientação coletiva (eco) na formação de profissionais docentesArtigo de PeriódicoCiências