Choy, Marco Aurélio de LimaAmaral, Camila Augusta Medeiros Colás2023-03-072024-09-062023-02-072023-03-072021-07-14 study aims, in general terms, to analyze how the insertion of artificial intelligence algorithms in decision-making processes implies access to certain rights, focusing mainly on the possibility of discrimination by these algorithms and how this is regulated in Brazilian law. To this end, the concepts of artificial intelligence, algorithms and automated decisions are presented, in addition to the principles that govern the topic and the evolution of the treatment given to the matter in the main national and international legislations, especially the General Law of Data Protection, under the cutout of the change promoted by Provisional Measure N. 869/2018 and the European General Data Protection Regulation.Acesso AbertoDecisões automatizadasAutomated decisionAlgoritmosAlgorithmicDiscriminação algorítmicaAlgorithmic discriminationSegredo Industrial. LGPDTrade secrets. LGPDOs desafios do uso de algoritmos de inteligência artificial em processos decisórios à luz do ordenamento jurídico.The challenges of using artificial intelligence algorithms in decision-making processes in light of the legal system.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito