Costa, Lucélida de Fátima Maia daFarias, Ronaldo Diones Ruiz2021-09-082024-08-302021-09-012021-09-082021-07-26 research sought to understand, from the perspective of the Theory of Conceptual Fields, which the implications of mathematical language in the teaching-learning process in the 1st year of high school. It is a bibliographic research with a qualitative approach. In the data analysis we used the Content Analysis method to obtain the research results, where we could observe during our readings that the teaching of mathematics in schools, most of the time, happens in a traditional way, in a repetitive and exhaustive process, of content exposure and exercise resolution. However, according to Gérard Vergnaud's theory, students should not only focus on the mechanical process of mathematics, but on the conceptual field to which each content is related.Acesso AbertoLinguagem MatemáticaEnsino-aprendizagemTeoria dos campos conceituaisLinguagem matemática no processo de ensino-aprendizagem: um estudo na perspectiva da teoria dos campos conceituaisTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso