Souza, Kelly Christiane Silva deOliveira, Daiane Rodrigues de2023-09-112024-09-082023-09-112022-10-24OLIVEIRA, Daiane Rodrigues de. O professor de educação infantil e os desafios de ensinar. 2022. 27 f. TCC (Graduação em Pedagogia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus. general objective of this study was to understand the processes of teaching and learning with 5-year-olds in early childhood education. With this in mind, specific objectives were: a) to understand the relationship between teaching and b) to identify teaching practices that hinder the learning process learning process; c) to find out about early childhood education teachers' concepts of teaching and teaching and learning. To achieve these objectives, we carried out bibliographical research and field research during internship I. We researched in a 2nd period class, following the development of the pedagogical pedagogical practices carried out by the teacher in the classroom. Along the way, we adopted a qualitative approach and used the following as data collection tools observation, a field notebook and a semi-structured questionnaire. semi-structured questionnaire, applied to two early childhood education teachers in order to understand their conceptions of the processes of teaching and learning. In the analysis, it was possible to see a close relationship between the teaching and learning process. learning process. The teacher plays a fundamental role in this process, planning and organizing teaching and organizing teaching situations, with the aim of developing the children's learning. learning to be carried out by the children. Keywords: Teaching. Learning. Early childhood educationAcesso AbertoEnsinarAprenderEducação InfantilTeachingLearningEarly childhood educationO professor de educação infantil e os desafios de ensinarThe early childhood teacher and the challenges of teachingTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEnsino aprendizagemEducação infantil