Souto, Luciano Hercílio AlvesSilva, Leonardo Corrêa e2023-07-172024-09-062023-06-132023-07-172023-03-17SILVA, Leonardo Corrêa e. Mapeamento da produção acadêmica relacionada ao violão publicado pela Revista Vórtex entre o ano de 2017 a 2021. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Música). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2023. work consists of a mapping of the guitar production published in Vórtex magazine, from 2017 to 2021, with the objective of knowing the main approaches of academic research produced in Brazil, which themes are most researched, in which region most of the guitar is concentrated. production, as well as the profile of academic production in the area. Mapping academic production on guitar is essential to understand trends in the area and identify research gaps that can be explored in the future. It is important to emphasize that the sample of analyzed articles is limited and may not represent the academic production on guitar in Brazil as a whole. Furthermore, there are many aspects of the guitar that still need to be explored and researched, such as the relationship between the guitar and other musical cultures and the relationship between the guitar and technology. The methodology includes the reading of abstracts and introductions of all articles found on the Vórtex magazine website, within the period covered.Acesso AbertoProdução ViolonísticaMúsicaViolãoGuitar ProductionMusicGuitarMapeamento da produção acadêmica relacionada ao violão publicado pela Revista Vórtex entre o ano de 2017 a 2021Mapping of academic production related to the guitar published by Revista Vórtex between 2017 and 2021Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoArtesMúsica