Passos, Yara dos Santos CostaOliveira, Fabricio Rafael da Silva de2023-07-172024-09-062023-06-142023-07-172023-03-25OLIVEIRA, Fabricio Rafael da Silva de. A inclusão do Waacking como movimento político Lgbtqiap+ nas danças urbanas. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Dança). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2023. objective of this research is to investigate devices that collaborate in demystifying the paradigms present in Urban Dances, referring to the Waacking style whose root is in the LGBTQIAP+ movement. We hope to contribute to the fight for equal rights in Urban Dances; the intention is not to confront the other styles, but to add strengths and show that things can be better when thought of in the collective and in its diversity. The guiding question of the whole process of data collection and analysis was: How can the Waacking dance style modify the political positioning of the urban dance patriarchy? The research was supported by action research, which allowed us to understand how the paths adopted and approaches previously thought could be revised and adapted for each new meeting. We chose the conversation rounds for this place of listening and the interviews to bring more data about the existing relations between subjects and the Waacking dances, counting on a group of 14 (fourteen) people. As a result, we reflect that the changes that occurred historically were insufficient in the fight against the existing prejudices against the LGBTQIAP+ and the dances that are born from this movement.Acesso AbertoWaackingDanças UrbanasLGBTQIAP+Movimento PolíticoA inclusão do Waacking como movimento político Lgbtqiap+ nas danças urbanasThe inclusion of Waacking as a Lgbtqiap+ political movement in urban dancesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoArtesDança