Bordin, Vanessa Benites2024-04-152024-10-022024-04-142024-04-152024-02-15978-65-00-92211-0 book proposes to make a reflective analysis of the research carried out in the field of pedagogical practices and poetic experiences lived with the indigenous people of the Kokama and Tikuna ethnicities. These sensitive meetings were guided by the search for dialogue with Amerindian knowledge and the creation of a space for knowledge and cultural exchange that enhances the voices of the subjects involved - the indigenous people, the student-artists and the teacher-artist. Encounters with other bodies, people, groups, experiences, places, ideas, histories, cultures, ethnicities and gender, constituting the network of collaborations.Acesso AbertoContação de históriasStorytellingExperiência poéticaPoetic experiencePerformancePerformanceSaberes indígenasIndigenous knowledgeContando e cantando histórias: encontros na AmazôniaTelling and singing stories: meetings in the AmazonLivroArtesTeatro