Gomes, Raimundo Cláudio SouzaLima, Luan Richerd Rocha De Lima2024-09-242024-09-302024-09-262024-09-242024-02-14https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/6254The present case study conducts an in-depth analysis of a project for implementing a grid-connected photovoltaic system (On-grid), to be installed on the roof of the HUB – Technology and Innovation at UEA. This project has been meticulously calculated, based on prior drone survey and AutoCad projection, and notably includes considerations regarding the new regulations established by Law 14,300 and Resolution 1000 from ANEEL. In this context, the HUB's dependence on the electrical grid of Manaus is carefully addressed, highlighting the strategic importance of transitioning to cleaner and more efficient energy sources. This study aims to present a project that not only targets energy efficiency goals but also seeks an economically sustainable solution, primarily for the HUB, but potentially applicable to similar cases. The emphasis in this study is placed on reducing or eliminating energy costs through the implementation of this grid-connected photovoltaic system. The analysis of the results from the emulation of the designed photovoltaic system, considering operational data from the electrical plant and solar insolation during the period, is highly relevant, demonstrating a notable reduction in energy costs and a stable projection for the future, including considering the quick return on investment in a few years. Thus, this study provides evidence of the technical and economic feasibility of projects of this nature, based on the criteria established here, with the application case being the building of the HUB – Technology and Innovation at the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA).Acesso AbertoSistema fotovoltaicoOn-gridSustentabilidadePhotovoltaic systemSustainabilityEstudo de caso de um sistema de geração fotovoltaico conectado à rede para sede do hub-tecnologia e inovaçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoMateriais e Componentes Eletroóticos e Magnetoóticos, Materiais Fotoelétricos