Cardoso, Fábio de SousaMiranda, Luís Antônio Valois2021-10-142024-09-302021-10-042021-10-142019-12-19 paper aims to present the process of developing a prototype to collect environmental parameters present in a hospital bed, such as temperature and humidity. Its objective is to optimize communication between the ward or accompanying bed, aiming at patient comfort and reducing their suffering, in an attempt to hospital humanization. Some available functions are temperature and humidity collections, emergency button and impact sensor. The ESP32 from ESPRESSIF was used as a microcontroller, replacing the originally proposed Arduino and Raspberry Pi. ESP32 makes it possible to connect to Wi-Fi and create a cloud, meaning that data collected by sensors travels across the cloud and is printed to an end user using the concepts of Internet of Things (IoT). For communication between ESP32 and outbound, a lightweight TCP / IP based messaging protocol known as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is used, where a registered server is required to interface the collected data. Finally, the data collected appears on the monitor or mobile application, improving communication and may bring more comfort and well-being to the patient.Acesso AbertoESP32Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)Internet of Things (IoT)Monitoramento de parâmetros ambientais de um leito hospitalar utilizando ESP32Monitoring of environmental parameters of a hospital bed using ESP32Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoAutomação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos