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Its purpose is to evaluate if the officers of the Military Police of Amazonas are properly qualified or prepared for the exercise of the function of military judge, if there were at any time, during their formation, in the Training Course of Officers, some specific discipline to assist them in this activity, which will judge the state military, in an absolutionary or condemnatory, that is, it will be decided for the preservation of freedom or its restriction, in cases of military crimes at the state level. KEYWORDS: Military justice, military judge, military police officer.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasilça MilitarPolicia MilitarUma análise da atuação dos oficiais da polícia militar do Amazonas como juízes militares estaduaisAn analysis of the action of Amazon military police officials as state military judgesArtigo de PeriódicoDireito