Leite, Bruno Silva2021-05-142024-09-102021-05-052021-05-142020-07-03https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/4865Understanding the contents of chemistry can occur through different means, one of these is through reading. Chemistry teachers have included reading scientific articles in their classes, in some cases, without a related teaching strategy. In this paper, we present some reflections of 160 students of the first period of the degree course in Chemistry on scientific reading in the discipline of General Chemistry A. The objective was to investigate the students' perceptions regarding the contribution of reading scientific texts related to the contents of the discipline. The research is qualitative and the data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics and those from the interview based on content analysis. The results showed that students have a low reading habit, although they have been encouraged to do this, and that the use of technical texts hamper the interpretation of enunciations, and chemistry problems when they are not adequately exploited by the teacher. The data indicate the importance of the practice of reading and discussions of texts on the part of the teachers in undergraduate Chemistry courses, which should encourage the future chemistry teacher, especially in the initial formation, to recognize and/or work the phenomenon of the intertextuality in scientific texts. In addition to conducting the critical formation of their students, so that they can transform the social environment they are inserted in.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasilhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/Ensino de químicaFormação inicialLeitura científicaLeitura científica no ensino de química: uma análise dos ingressos na licenciaturaArtigo de PeriódicoQuímica