Oliveira, Elane Conceição deMartins, Blenno Lemos2023-09-292024-10-022023-09-282023-09-292019-12-03https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/6623The article analyzes the market structure of the Brazilian motorcycle industry in the period 2000- 2018. For this, the Herfindahl Hirschman Index was used as an indicator of the degree of competition and concentration of motorcycle companies in the country. The results show that the motorcycle market fits into the oligopolistic market structure, as the market share levels of the sector remained concentrated in two companies over time and the degree of concentration was also above the HHI parameters, however. In times of relative economic stability these conditions have become subject to change. Also, the results show the existence of barriers to entry of new competitors in the rest of the country, due to the concentration of motorcycle production in the Manaus Industrial Pole.Acesso AbertoEstrutura de mercadoConcentração de mercadoMercado de motocicletasÍndice Herfindahl HirschmanCiências EconômicasUma análise da estrutura de mercado da indústria brasileira de motocicletas, no período 2000-2018An analysis of the market structure of the brazilian motorcycle industry, in the period 2000-2018Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoEconomia