Benezar, Danyelle Cristyne CristoFerreira, Darlisom SousaTeixeira, Elizabeth2023-06-192024-09-062023-06-192023-06-19BENEZAR, Danyelle Cristyne Cristo; FERREIRA, Darlisom Sousa e TEIXEIRA, Elizabeth. O guia artrite reumatoide: para familiares e cuidadores. Manaus: Editora UEA, 2023. 32 p.978-85-7883-586-6 arthritis is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic and systemic inflammation, affecting mainly affecting the synovial membranes, i.e, the lining of the joints of the hands, feet, knees among many others that may be affected. It can also affect other organs and compromise them.Acesso AbertoArtrite reumatoideDoença autoimuneAutocuidadoO guia artrite reumatoide: para familiares e cuidadoresThe rheumatoid arthritis guide: for families and carersLivroMedicinaMedicina preventiva