Silva Filho, Erivaldo Cavalcanti eFeitoza, Diego Amorim2023-11-272024-09-062023-02-172023-11-272023-02-14 contact with modern society made possible great improvements in the social, cultural and material organization of the Kokama ethnic group. However, it inevitably placed them as citizens with duties and rights, and consequently under state tutelage. It is in this primary relationship that the work is concentrated. In successes, mistakes, challenges and perspectives in relation to the rights that are constitutionally guaranteed to them.Acesso AbertoDireito IndígenaIndigenous LawKokamasKokamasAntropologia JurídicaLegal AnthropologyDireito ConstitucionalConstitutional LawOs Kokamas e os desafios de acesso aos direitos fundamentais no alto SolimõesThe Kokamas and the challenges of access to fundamental rights in upper SolimõesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito