Mubarac Sobrinho, Roberto SanchesSilva, Philipe Paiva da2023-09-112024-09-082023-09-112018-12-14SILVA, Philipe Paiva da. Um estudo documental sobre os avanços e as dificuldades na educação escolar indígena diferenciada na realidade atual: aspectos sobre a formação dos professores. 2018. 40 f. TCC (Graduação em Pedagogia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus. main objective of this bibliographical review is to show details of Differentiated Indigenous School Education in Brazil. School Education in Brazil. This work will look at the historical context of indigenous school education from the colonial period to the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. It will also analyze how this education began during the period of colonization, in which the Society of Jesus became one of the main agents in the schooling of the Indians. It will go on to show the emergence of the indigenous movement in Brazil in the struggle for indigenous school legislation and its developments today. times. In addition, it will present how this movement originated and its articulation with multiple segments of national society. It will address the advances, difficulties and challenges in differentiated indigenous education. Finally, it will look at the process of training indigenous indigenous teachers and the influence they have had on differentiated education, analyzing the policies implemented by the Ministry of Education for teacher training. KEYWORDS: Differentiated indigenous school education. Teacher training. Legislation legislation. Historical context.Acesso AbertoEducação escolar indígena diferenciadaFormação de professoresLegislação escolar indígenaContexto históricoDifferentiated indigenous school educationTeacher trainingIndigenous school legislationHistorical contextUm estudo documental sobre os avanços e as dificuldades na educação escolar indígena diferenciada na realidade atual: aspectos sobre a formação dos professoresA documentary study on the progress and difficulties in differentiated indigenous school education in the current reality: aspects of teacher trainingTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoFormação de professoresEducação indígena