Norte, Naira Neila Batista de OliveiraMenezes, Brenda Lopes de2023-11-232024-09-062023-02-232023-11-232023-01-06 work aims to explain the need to adopt popular communication applications for the practice of procedural communication acts, within the scope of the judicial process. ‘The civil procedure code determines that communications of procedural acts should preferably be carried out electronically. The electronic communication mentioned in the new CPC/2015 has undergone changes, depending on the technological innovations currently experienced. Laws were enacted aimed at changing the procedure in civil proceedings so that electronic means of communication could be integrated, with a focus on Law No. /2021 which amended the Code of Civil Procedure to give preference to the means of communication via electronic mail (email). The discussion on the use of new technologies integrated to judicial procedures has gained focus in the sense of using the most popular communication applications to carry out the acts of citation and judicial subpoena, given the massive use of such forms of communication of the procedural acts that were used in the context of the covid-19 pandemic. The subject must be discussed in the current social and historical context, considering the technological evolution around the world, allowing the adoption of technology for the practice of procedural communication acts, envisioning a procedure in which the contradictory and full defense is assured, as well as the celerity. In this way, the present work aims to study the feasibility of communicating procedural acts through instant messaging applications, among which whatsapp and telegram are emphasized.Acesso AbertoAtos de comunicação processualActs of procedural communicationProcesso judicial eletrônicoElectronic court caseWhatsAppWhatsAppAplicativos de mensagens eletrônicas como novos meios eletrônicos de comunicação dos atos processuais no Brasil.Electronic messaging applications as new electronic means of communicating procedural acts in Brazil.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito