Neves , Hirlândia MilonSouza, Izaias Dias de2022-08-112024-09-062022-07-282022-08-112022-05-19SOUZA, Izaias Dias de. Estágio supervisionado nos formatos presencial e remoto: experiências vivenciadas em aulas de arte/música no ensino fundamental II e médio. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Música). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2022. present work aimed to present a descriptive-analytical account of the experiences lived in art/music classes within the Supervised Internship I, II and III, of the Music course at UEA, which took place at two different times in public schools of education. basic. The first being in the face-to-face format, in 2017, in elementary school I, in 6th and 7th grade classes, comprising stage I, and the second in the remote format, in 2021, covering both 8th and 9th grade classes of elementary school. II in stage II, as well as high school classes in stage III. The data were analyzed from information extracted from my field notebook and internship report, with notes of the observations that were recorded. These internship experiences led me to reflect, as a music graduate that, even in face-to-face classes, with few digital technological resources available, or in remote format classes, with video classes produced within a specialized recording center, as in the case mentioned in Throughout the work, it is essential that music teaching be developed not only from musical appreciation, but also from creation, composition and performance, as well as from literature and musical technique.Acesso AbertoEstágio SupervisionadoEnsino BásicoEnsino de arte/músicaEnsino presencialEnsino remotoSupervised internshipBasic educationArt/Music TeachingEstágio supervisionado nos formatos presencial e remoto: experiências vivenciadas em aulas de arte/música no ensino fundamental II e médioSupervised internship in face-to-face and remote formats: experiences in art/music classes in elementary school and high schoolTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Humanas