Lima, Geraldine SilveiraAraújo, Francisco Ilmar Amaral de2022-10-042024-09-262022-10-042019-06-04ARAÚJO, Francisco Ilmar Amaral de. A resolução de problemas contextualizados voltados para aplicação de regra de três simples com abordagem em cortes de carnes. 2019. 82 f. TCC (Graduação em Matemática) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Presidente Figueiredo-AM. research aims to improve the student's perception regarding the activities contextualized activities involving mathematics in relation to their day, bringing the theme "The Resolution of contextualized problems focused on the application of rule of simple rule of three with approach in meat cuts", because the teacher/educator needs to exercise its role as a facilitator and conductor of mathematical knowledge, mediating its interaction with real life/common situations. Therefore, every good good teacher needs to adopt didactic strategies that are creative, motivating and efficient, which contribute to the construction of knowledge, to the point of provide more effective performance, as well as achieve the important objectives of teaching and learning in the classroom. in teaching and learning in the classroom. The activities were developed for 8th grade students of the Elementary Elementary School, with the main objective of showing how it is possible to interact the theory and practice of mathematical content in several areas, and can be observed in the use of food shopping, which is so common in the daily lives of families. This work aimed to facilitate the learning of students in basic education who mathematics, as we were able to relate what we learn in the classroom to life situations. classroom to life situations. Learning ceases to be a "duty" and becomes a "privilege", developing in students skills, logical reasoning and a better interpretation of everything that happens in their lives. better interpretation of everything that happens around them.Acesso AbertoEnsino de matemáticaRegra de três simplesProblemas matemáticosMathematics educationSimple rule of threeMathematical problemsA resolução de problemas contextualizados voltados para aplicação de regra de três simples com abordagem em cortes de carnesThe resolution of contextualized problems focused on the application of simple rule of three with approach in meat cutsTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoMatemáticaEnsino de matemáticaEnsino aprendizagem