2022-12-122024-09-262022-12-082022-12-122022-12-08978-65-89135-73-9https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5702This book is the result of two projects coordinated by the editor of the volume. The first is a research and academic productivity project entitled Depois da madrugada: panorama da literatura amazonense contemporânea II (1990-2020), in which, in addition to investigating aspects of contemporary literary production in Amazonas, it is intended to collaborate with the enrichment of the environment of local literary creation and circulation. The second is an extension project named A literatura na oficina: laboratório de criação literária. Both initiatives are linked to the Postgraduate Program Letters and Arts of the University of the State of Amazonas (PPGLA-UEA), through the research group Investigações sobre Memória Cultural em Artes e Literatura (MemoCult) and the Segunda Oficina Laboratório Editorial. In 2019 and 2021, respectively, two groups were formed in the city of Manaus (in total, more than 20 people) and held regular meetings in which, between readings of literary texts and creative exercises, they developed short narrative texts. Formed by participants from the external and internal community of UEA, each class lived creatively for 4 months in a laboratory of literary creation. With this initiative, we aim to stimulate the creation, circulation and emergence of new literary talents in the city of Manaus, in addition to bringing together external and internal UEA communities in the workshops, favoring the exchange of knowledge between both and, finally, establishing a record of the productions, linking the work of MemoCult's Editorial Laboratory to literary workshops.Acesso AbertoProcessos de criaçãoCreation processesConto brasileiroBrazilian taleLiteratura amazonenseAmazonian LiteratureContos de oficinaLivroLetras e Artes