Aquino Neto, Daniel Antônio deQueiroz, Danyelle Barbosa de2023-02-132024-09-062023-02-092023-02-132017-11-24 work has as object to analyze the phenomenon known as "homeschooling" or home education, which refers to a modality of teaching in which parents choose to teach their children exclusively at home, removing them from the school. This paper will explain the history of the treatment given to education in the Brazilian legal system over the years, as well as analyze the legal possibility of home education, explaining the arguments for and against such practice.Acesso AbertoEnsino domiciliarhomeschoolingcompulsoriedade da educação escolarcompulsory school educationEducação escolar em casaA possibilidade do ensino domiciliar no Brasil e seus aspectos jurídicosThe possibility of homeschooling in Brazil and its legal aspectsTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito