Santos, Roberto Ribeiro dosCosta, Jônatas Silva daCorrêa, Jéssica Ariana de JesusAndrade, Silvia Cristina de Pádua2021-05-142024-09-102021-05-052021-05-142020-07-03 has been undergoing profound reflections and transformations over the last few years as new teaching methods that aim to articulate the concepts approached in the classroom with the reality of the students have been increasingly sought. In this sense, this work aimed to analyze the possibilities of teaching Physics through Themes as a methodological proposal for significant learning in High School. The research subjects were one hundred and ten students and three teachers from Sophomore Year in High School. Questionnaires were applied with objective and open-ended questions, followed by the analysis and discussion of results and an intervention proposal. Students and teachers emphasized that contextualization is present in classes, which is positive, as it is one of the characteristics of the proposal with Themes. In contrast, most students were unable to clearly state a Physics principle involved in everyday situations. Teachers and students believe that teaching Physics through Themes would enable better learning of Physics contents. Therefore, the proposal for the Sophomore Year in High School does not prevent the construction of new proposals or even improvement.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil estruturantesMetodologiaCalorTemas estruturantes aplicados ao ensino de física: estudo de caso em escola pública em Itaituba – PAArtigo de PeriódicoCiências