Santos, Daniely Peinado dosOliveira , José Eduardo Barbosa de2022-08-102024-09-062022-07-282022-08-102022-05-30OLIVEIRA, José Eduardo Barbosa de. Movimento cênico: a preparação e expressividade do corpo do ator. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Teatro). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2022. work aims to describe the experience carried out in the creative body laboratory that sought to experience possibilities of body preparation, developing perception, body axis, balance, muscle tone, scenic movements and expressiveness in the scene artist's body. The discussion starts from my artistic experience as an artist who thinks about making the body available for physical bodily experiments. Based on the criticism of creative processes (SALLES, 2007), the research is based on memory and artistic experience, on the creative process Antes que eu morra (2021), in addition to reports, interviews, bringing the artists Klauss Vianna (2005) and Lúcia Romano (2007) as main theorists. As a result, I was able to look at the artistic construction of the process and reflect on the choices of the aesthetic elements present.Acesso AbertoMovimentoCorpoExpressividadeExperimentaçãoMovementBodyExpressivenessExperimentationMovimento cênico: a preparação e expressividade do corpo do atorScenic movement: the preparation and expressiveness of the actor's bodyTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Humanas